info part 1

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# Classes !!


- History of Magic
- Animal Languages (Elective)


- Alchemy/potionology/biology
- Astrology (elective)


- (Unspecified)


- Practical Magic & defense magic
- Magic Analysis (elective)
- Ancient Curses (elective)
- Conjuration (elective)


- Physical Education + Flying
- Swimming (elective)


- Master Chef (elective)
- Poison Making (elective)
- Music (elective)
- Art (elective)
- Changes and Comparisons of Abbreviated Spells in Ancient and Modern Magic History (elective)

# Wolfie's classes

☆ Homeroom :Alchemy

- Details..
    Classmates :
Ace ,Deuce, grim, Dratini and froslass
    Time : 
    8:00 AM ~ 8:30 AM (0 min passing period)

☆ Period 1 :History of Magic

- Details..
    Classmates :Ace ,Deuce ,grim, Jack , froslass, glameow
We learn about the history of twisted wonderland source of magic
    Seat :
next to grim and froslass, below Is  ace, deuce and jack
8:35 AM ~ 9:05 AM

☆ Period 2 :Physical Education+ Flying

- Details..
    Classmates :
Ace ,Deuce , Azul, grim, riolu, jangmo-o, male and female pyroar and braviary
They work on are physical form  except for Wolfie because she is a child so she was just training or playing with my Pokemon and she sometime join  the class and  sometime help azul with flying
the entire time the class was outside
9:10 AM~10:10 AM

☆ Break time

- Details..
10:10 AM~10:30 AM

☆ Period 3 : Art

- Details..
    Kalim,jamil, jade, grim , nickit , smeargle and kecleon

We learned different drawing and painting techniques
next to grim ,smeargle , kecleon and nickit Along with jade. above us is Kalim and jamil
10:35 AM~11:25 AM

☆ Lunch !!

- Details..
11:25 AM~11:40am

☆ Period 4 : Animal Languages

- Details..
Rook, Ruggie, silver, sebek ,grim, houndoom,goomy and espeon
Animal languages are forms of non-human animal communication that show similarities to human language. Animals communicate by using a variety of signs such as sounds or movements.
Next to ruggie and grim on Wolfie's right and houndoom,goomy and espeon on my left and below is silver and sebek and rook is above them
11:45 AM~1:45 AM

☆ Period 5 :Magic Analysis

- Details..
Riddle, malleus,Azul, grim,braixen and roserade
We learn the techniques of magicians and witches to do magic for helping yourself and others! In magical circles, there is often a great deal of training that goes into becoming a practitioner of the magical arts, however, in this course, the practices and techniques have been distilled down so that you can learn what is essential for getting started and have the tools to build a foundation for continuing to do the work going forward.
Grim on her lap and on her right side set malleus and on her left is braixen and roserade and above her is riddle and azul
1:50 AM~2:10 AM

twisted wonderland x ocNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ