A new world

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The headmaster and the dorm leaders all wait patiently for the coffin to open so that their entrance ceremony will start. As the coffin starts to float down onto the marble floor one by one. The headmaster held out his staff and tapped it on the ground twice and started chanting.

"For the darkest night we seek out three...

Awakened the souls within slumber's embrace...

Unlock the confinement and set them free...

For tonight the mirror of darkness shall show thy face."

As the chant is finished, a green glow erupts from the room and a clicking sound can be heard from all the coffins. All of them open to reveal the sleeping young men in their ceremonial robes.

It seemed like everything was going normally as planned until an unfortunate incident occurred.

"Is it just me or do you guys hear crackling ... from the ceiling?"

Leon the dorm leader of Savannaclaw heard the pitter patter of paws and the sounds of glass cracking as if... The cause of someone's weight.

One of the windows broke and the students hurriedly ran away from that area to avoid the glass. From the debris, there was a small gray cat with a forked tail and blue flaming ears.

"What is this!?"

The headmaster yelled out in surprise. Not expecting the uninvited guest.

The cat stood up on two legs before yelling out demands,"I am the great grimm! But I can only become the greatest if I become a student at this college! So, I demand to be given a spot at this school, ya hear?!"

Silence followed before snickering and laughter erupted through the mirror hall.

"You? A monster? Please, not in your life!"

One student was close to topping over from laughing

"Monsters can't be students!" Another protest.

Grimm starts to clench his paws and starts to show everyone how great of a wizard he is... Which unfortunately translates to him spewing blue flame all over the hall.

The atmosphere changes from mocking to panicking, as the students all run around like headless chickens to avoid the flames and the cat monster.

One poor boy with white hair and dark skin had the worst luck of getting his bum caught on fire. The headmaster tried to settle everyone down but they weren't listening.

"Unbelievable! Someone please get that raccoon!?" Despite his demands, the dorm leaders didn't move an inch, apart from a redhead and a silver haired boy with glasses.

"Azul, please back me up on this... we must get this over with for the ceremony to properly finish."

Riddle, the dorm leader of Heartslabyul was calm as he brushed away the flames from his path as if it was dust.

"Fufu~ of course, Riddle! As strict as ever!"

Azul, the dorm leader of Octivinelle, chuckled to himself, not at all bothered by the situation at hand.

"Funya!? You gonna stop me? Good luck with that!

"Resisting will only lead to you getting hurt! I order you to stop and surrender!"


The two students chased down the feline who dodged their spells so far, Grimm would've dodged the next one perfectly had he not bumped into a still closed coffin.

twisted wonderland x ocDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora