"Is he ok?" I questioned him and he shrugged slightly and put his gun on the table beside him and I dropped down to his lap, draping both legs over his as I hugged him. "He was quiet. And just went in there." I nodded softly, understanding that he simply needed more time and when he was ready, he'd talk again.

"You need to sleep too, come on." I said softly as I got up, grabbing his hand and dragging him with me back to bed. "I'll take watch now ok. You sleep." He didn't argue with me he just dropped to the bed in a huff and I smiled softly as I laid down on him quickly. "I just need another quick cuddle."

He hugged me tightly, his arms around my waist and I smiled softly as his hands moved to my ass, gently grabbing my cheeks before I leant up on my arms, watching the cheeky smirk cross his face. "Look at you being all comfortable with me like this hmmm." I said softly, slightly amused but also excited.

"I've always been comfortable with you Lexy. I was just being respectful." He replied quietly, tilting his head slightly as he watched me. He's always been comfortable? Interesting. His fingers twitched and I tilted my own head, watching him closely. "Such a sweetheart aren't you. Come on you need to sleep."

I got up and left him there, dropping to the chair he'd occupied and gently brushed my fingers over his gun, closing my eyes as I felt the cold steal, following its form before I sighed deeply and watched the door. One of us would need to remain on guard indefinitely now and I was so used to this, after last time that I had no issues with staying up, especially at night when the world was more quiet.

After 3 hours I checked on Sam, opening the door slowly and smiled to myself as he was sprawled out, still half suited up, snoring quietly. I closed the door and went to check on Bucky. "Why are you still awake?" I asked him seriously, leaning against the door frame as I folded my arms. He was wide awake, just laying there wide eyed but he'd smiled crookedly at me as I'd entered.

He remained silent so I walked over, closing the door and dropped down on the edge of the bed. "What's going on in that head of yours?" I asked quietly, tapping his forehead softly and watched as his nose scrunched slightly as he frowned at me before he grabbed my hand and pulled it from his head, sitting up slowly.

I sat back, waiting for him to answer because I could tell something was bothering him. He turned to me and flicked my forehead, catching me off guard and I hissed, smacking his chest gently. "This...being on the run and 10 steps behind. And now I feel, used again." He said gruffly, dropping his head.

"James. No, they haven't used you ok...in no way have they used you." I lifted his chin, feeling tears threaten my eyes as I took in his expression. It was nothing I'd seen before, not with him. He looked broken, tormented and his eyes were glassy, with tears. "James." I whispered softly, cupping his face as I brushed my thumb over his cheek.

He blinked, letting a tear fall and I dropped my forehead to his, letting my own fall as I held him. "I will never let you be used again. Ever." I whispered, letting that promise sink in when he moved quickly, grabbing the back of my head gently as he pulled me closer, kissing me.

"God Lexy." He groaned against my neck and I shuddered, digging my nails into his shoulders and I felt the tension in his muscles. "What Bucky." I whispered, gasping as his lips grazed my neck. He groaned again, his fingers moving through my hair as he nibbled my jawline and I moved, climbing into his lap, before I kissed him again.

He welcomed my advance, meeting the hunger I had with his own as his hands moved up my sides before his left hand dropped to my ass and he pulled me closer, rolling his hips with mine. I bit his lip gently, groaning as my fingers clawed through his hair and as his hands moved up underneath my shirt, brushing against the underside of my breasts-

BE THE CHANGE // BUCKY BARNES X OCOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant