NeverMore, Never again.

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I hated everything about my family. The way they dressed to the way they acted. My father is mortal.. or a normal as some call it. My mother is a vampire. I'm not quite sure how they met but six months later I was born. My father quickly left at the sight of me, my mother hesitantly got married to Vincent Hober. A werewolf who has done nothing but make me fifteen years of living a living hell.

Although today was a new beginning.

"YOU'RE SENDING ME WHERE?" I yelled, something inside me had broke when Vincent and mother agreed to send me to Nevermore. I wasn't 'fit' for Nirmal high-school.

"It's for your benefit. Your power is only getting stronger, your cravings will get stronger and you know I will not be equipped to handle that." My mother, Antigua bellowed at me. I hated the fact she was right. My cravings were getting stronger by the minute.

There we all sat, at the round table in the perfect home I had come to hate.

"Get your things, we leave within the hour." Vincent said with a half smile on his face. I knew he was glad I was leaving. It still hurt my non beating heart though.

I ran up the spiraled stairs as I walked into the dark attic like room that had become my bedroom. There were hung little fake bats from the ceiling, along with dark red shades of everything. It felt like a home after all. MY escape. Now most of it is to be fit in one suitcase.

-Time Skip To The Car-

"I'm sure you'll love it my little bat." My mother said, smiling at me from the front of the car. I quietly smiled back, I never intended to disappoint my mother as much as I did. Whatever I had done to get where I am though can never be fixed.

Soon enough we rolled up to a big dark building. Almost a castle. There stood a woman, tall and blonde. She said her name but I completely ignored her looking at the skyline mixed with the Grey undertone of the castle.

We moved from staircase to staircase as I entered my now room, luckily I had come in time to have no room mates. Just me. I smiled at the thought. My escape. Here in a castle. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad, until I turned around and saw him.

There he stood, longish hair and piercing eyes staring right at me. The second my eyes hit his, I was under his spell. This would be the end of peace for me. The next waking moments would be dedicating my time to him.

"AH. This is Xavier, I've asked him to walk you around the school, Xavier if you'll please lead Ashley around." The tall blonde woman said extending her hand towards the boy. I quickly followed her motion and smiled at the boy, he smiled back, a kind of smile I've never seen.

"Xavier, and you must be Ashley." He said extending his hand towards the door. We walked out as the door closed behind us. Silently walking down the hall.

"So new girl, what's your story." He asked.

"What do you mean?" I pondered looking over at him.

"Well everyone is here for a reason, what's yours." He said shrugging his shoulders. Acting as if this was prison.

"I'm a vampire, my cravings are getting stronger." I said simply. He smiled at me as my fangs got wider.

"I can tell, need to bite me?" He joked.

"HA, very funny." I replied rolling my eyes. We began talking some more as we walked down the vast hallways, the more we walked the less people there were. Eventually we came to a door not too far from mine.

"And here's my room, incase you ever need me just knock." He said slipping his hands in his pockets. He simply smiled as I nodded.

"Well, I guess I'll see you around." He said standing on his heels then slowly letting them go.

"Yeah, see ya." I said turning around, I began to walk until I heard his voice.

"Wait. Ashley." He said stopping me. I gave no reaction but a slight head turn.

"Wanna see something?" He said smiling. I turned my head fully as a small smile engulfed me. Let the adventure begin.

Burning Flames (Xavier Thrope x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now