Chapter 2 finding my mate

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A/N that's Xander

I was mad that my most trusted pack member betrayed me. I was fuming with anger but my wolf Everette was even worse all of a sudden I started to see red so I put my Second in command in charge and ran out the door. I shifted and then run into the woods my wolf kept walking deeper into the woods until I smelt a minty vanilla smell. MATE!!! My wolf Everette yelled all of a sudden he was running towards the smell I was happy to finally to meet my mate I have been waiting so long for this. As my wolf slowed down I saw a girl cowering in fear rocking back in forth. Then I realized the crying  cowering girl was my mate. Once I shifted back and got dressed out of my mates view even though I wouldn't mind. I came and stood right in front of her. On my way I stepped on a twig I mentally cursed because all of a sudden she bolted up.
*Xanders pov*
When I stepped on a twig she jolted up behind a tree looking at me sideways. W-who are you p-please don't hurt me. Hey I won't hurt you my names Xander what's yours little mate? G-Garcia that's a pretty name for a pretty girl. T-thank you. Are you hurt little mate? I-I'm fine well how about we go to the pack house and get you cleaned up? When she didn't answer me I knew she was scared and didn't trust me. So I picked her up gently bride style and started walking to the pack house.

*Garcias pov*
I heard a twig snap I was scared it was my dad coming after me. all of a sudden I bolted behind a tree scared if it was my father. But when I seen him he was much better looking and smelt amazing. He must be my mate but that didn't change the fact I was not scared. W-who are you p-please don't hurt me I cowers in fear. I knew he wouldn't hurt me because he was my mate he smelt like a piney oak.All of a sudden he asked me if I was hurt I told him I wasn't. Mate or not I still didn't trust him but I didn't want to be mean he was a alpha. How about we take you to the pack house to get you cleaned up he asked me when I didn't answer me he grabbed my arm gently and picked me up bride style I looked straight and saw we were heading out of the woods. I was scared so I put my head in his neck and smelt him. I heard him purr in satisfaction and delight. I felt tingly and I think he knew that. I swear I could see him smirk in pride.

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