So this is Christmas

35 10 13

Trigger warnings: Swearing

This story takes place before the events of my 2nd book Each of us has a story to tell. It uses the characters of Laura and James. This is the Christmas before the events of that book.

Laura's POV:  

"IT'S CHRISTMAAAASSS" dad shouts from downstairs. He does this every single Christmas day.

"Dad no one likes that song anymore" James complains. The same as he does every year. 

"Hey now," dad replies "that song came out when I was your age. Don't blame me for having taste. Not like the noise you kids listen to these days."

"What song even is it anyway?" I ask.

"It's called Merry Christmas everybody, it's by a band called Slade. They were popular when I was growing up."

"Ugh dad we don't need you to play it. Everyone knows that walking in the air is the best Christmas song" James says.

"From The Snowman?" I ask.

"Yep. It's the best Christmas film ever." James brags.

"I don't know about the best. The Muppets Christmas Carol is incredible too." I reply.

"It's way too depressing. Plus it's like 30 years old."

"There's nothing wrong with it. It still holds up. You used to love it when grandma showed it to us every Christmas as kids."

"Can we please find something else to do?" James complains.

"Like what? Hide and seek?" I tease.

"No. Like, write our own version of A Christmas Carol."

"That sounds fun, right L?" Dad asks.

"Yeah sure, why not" I reply unenthusiastically.

We settle down to write the story and immediately James takes over like he always does. His ideas are always the best and mine are shit. 

"Tiny Tim should die in the end anyway" James says.


"What?" James says "it shows Scrooge that not everything can be fixed. It's a good lesson to show kids. Sometimes it doesn't matter if you're a great person. Shit still happens."

"Yeah but this is meant to be a happy story."

"A Christmas Carol is far from happy L. Scrooge still sees his own gravestone and shit. He also definitely does not keep it up forever. No one can completely change who they are overnight." 

"Yes but maybe in our version things still turn out well?"

"Ugh that's boring L. We should spice it up a bit. Throw in some death and depressing shit. Every book is made better when someone dies in it. Just look at Harry Potter. Someone dies in every book except for the third one."

"Who dies in the second book?" 

"The Basilisk. But that's besides the point. Books are way more entertaining when people die in them. It develops a character. Scrooge would realise that not everything can be fixed and that death still happens anyway even if you change who you are."

"I still think killing off Tiny Tim is taking things way too far." 

"Ugh fine. Let's do something else. I'm bored." James groans. So we move on to something else. Which involves deciding what we would give each Harry Potter character for Christmas.

"Ok. Dumbledore." James says.

"Well he says to Harry in the first book that he wants socks 'cause you can never have too many." 

"Ugh boring. What about a dragon egg"

"Dumbledore would not want a dragon."

"Sure he would. Hagrid would help him look after it."

"It's illegal to have a dragon egg though. We learn that in book one."

That's one downside I guess," James replies "alright then your favourite character. Neville Longbottom. What would you give him if you could?"

"A diary."

"Why that causes enough problems in the second book?"

"He can write letters to his parents in it. And he can doodle stuff in it. He has very low self esteem. It might help him."

"Writing. Ugh you've been writing Harry Potter fanfiction for years. Can't say it's done much for you."

"Hey" I reply. But we're interrupted. 

"KIDS PRESENTS" Dad shouts. We run into the front room and see only two presents on the floor.

"Where's the rest?" James asks.

"James don't be ungrateful" our mother scolds. James rolls his eyes and checks the tag on the present on the left. 

"This ones yours" he says without looking at me.

I walk over and carefully pull off the paper. I can use it for scrapbooking later. James tears the paper off in a rush. It's an electric scooter. He's wanted one for ages. Apparently he's giving up skateboarding.

"WOAH Thanks" he says. I'm pretty sure it's the first time I've ever heard him use that word.

Inside my own wrapping paper is the laptop I asked for. I wanted it so I can write more instead of using the family computer. My parents don't know I publish stories online. Even James doesn't know that. 

"Thank you so much!" I say excitedly.

Our parents smile and leave to go into the kitchen. James turns to me. "Hey L," he says "I got you something too."

He leaves and goes upstairs. He returns with a box that's about the size of a shoebox. "Here" he says, handing it to me.

I take it and carefully pull off the wrapping. Inside is a necklace. there's a beautiful locket with a L embossed on it as well as a key.

"What's the key for?" I ask.

"Remember the old cupboard in the hall dad said we could do whatever we want with? Well I decided your needs are greater than mine."

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused.

"Go take a look for yourself" James insists.

We go upstairs and I unlock the door. James flicks the light switch and I gasp. 

The room has been completely stripped out and now features a desk, shelves and more notebooks and pens than I could ever ask for. 

"Woah J this is amazing. But how did you know I write?"

"I've your stuff."


"Yeah. I found one of your notebooks lying around and so I read your story. You're a great writer."

"I don't know how I can ever thank you for this."

"You being here is all the thanks I need. You'll definitely become a writer one day L I know it."

"I hope you get to be a famous skateboarder or something wacky like that."

"Nah, I don't know what I want to do. But I know one thing I'll never give up on."

"What's that?" I ask.

"You, "James replies "Merry Christmas Laura."

"Merry Christmas James." 

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