The daydream

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I shut my math book close and turn to look at my watch. 30 more minutes till class is over. " Turn to page 119 " , Ms. Cheryl says. I reach down my bag and get my social studies book. I open my book to page 119 and read the topic. " Europe's Government". I let out a sign. In a sudden, something by the window catches my notice. I turn to take a look. It was a lady bug , crawling on the glass of the window. I stare at it for a long time, studying it's tiny legs. But then, I start to daydream. I dream about me and my best friend , Lark , having a picnic with a random hot guy at the school yard. I look to my right and I see the same  lady bug crawling on the window. I was confuse by the coincidence. We are having so much fun until that  guy ask me to dance with him. A romantic song turns on and before I could say yes-
" And this is how they succeed in their business. Now copy down your homework.", Ms. Cheryl interrupted as she tries to finish the activity in class.
I wake up.
" Pssst..psst!"
I turn to find the sound leading me to Lark who sits beside me.
" Dude. Are you okay? You have been starring at the window for about 20 minutes now. I thought you were angry at me." , Lark says giving that cute-worrying look to me.
" Really? Oh... I was actually...Day...daydreaming.", I say.
" Daydream? Kate, you never daydream in class for years now. Wow. Must be a special day for you.", Lark says in excitement.
I wish it is , but i couldn't trust on it yet. I tell myself the exact same thing Lark says. Who is he? Why do I dream about him? It was weird. I know, daydream to others is so nothing. But to me, it is something. I don't really daydream in class. I mean, I just don't. But at least, it was a happy daydream. 

The bell finally rings.
I follow Lark by the doorway. She asks if we can walk home together. I accept it. We decide to take the long way home which means we have to pass the busy market which I always like to call it CHINA town. 

While walking home, my mind was all about the boy I dreamed in class. I wish I could see him again.
" Hey look! An ice cream shop! Kate, do you have 20 cents?", Lark asks handing me her hand.
I reach through my pocket and come back with 20 cents. I hand it to Lark.
She smiles and run into the ice cream shop. I find a place to sit. There was one available next to the flower shop. Lark come back with two vanilla ice cream in her hand.
" Vanilla?", she asks.
" Of course! Thanks!", I reply.
The table was silent except the sound of licking . My eyes started staring to the rose shop for a long time and that is when I daydream again. I gasp, seeing him.The boy......was there. He was smiling at me . He walks to me closer with a rose bouquet in his hand. I trembles to receive the flowers with kindness. When I reach for  his hand, I decided to ask him his name.
" My name is-", someone interrupt him.
" Kate! Kate!! Dude! Are you dead?", Lark shouts.
I wake up. My anger fill my body immediately. It was so close , so close to know his name. I want to yell at Lark so badly, but I can't. I just can't.
" Are you daydreaming again? Are you alright?", Lark ask me. 
"No I'm okay.", I lie with confusion dancing in my head.

Way back home was weird. Lark and I didn't say anything much until we drop her off at her house. I walk home alone , still keep thinking about the boy. Why do he appears in my dreams? Who is he? I whisper to myself and start to worry. 

" I'll meet him tonight", I promise myself.

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