[10 - the only peach story i know is momotarou]

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a/n: I honestly have no clue where i'm going with this fic compared to my yttd one because I have less notes for it. So, apologies in advance if the story seems sloppy or rushed (like all my fics, this was something I decided to do on a whim so yeah) also i forgot this story takes place in 1995 LMAO rip to that danganronpa reference because it shouldn't even exist yet

[Name] blinked once, twice, yet the bolded words printed on the heading didn't change. Their confusion only grew as they skimmed through the newspaper quickly, grunting in annoyance.

"What does this even mean...? Tokyo destroyed? What caused it then? No, this can only be cause of the meteor, right...?" Shaking their head, they folded up the paper and tucked it into their pockets, putting aside the information for now. "It's the only answer that seems right as of now, but why...? Nothing makes any sense..."

"[Name], over here." Pochi called out to them, as they finally noticed that the group was walking to a couple of run-down buildings not too far away. "We're heading over to see if there's anyone else around."

Nodding, they jogged to catch up with the rest of them, staying at a distance near the back of the group.

"Somehow, I doubt it..." They muttered quietly.


Their assumptions were deemed correct when they all arrived at the abandoned buildings with no one in sight. The state of the deserted plaza was in terrible condition, with dilapidated shops and closed shutter entrances cutting off entry on the majority of them. There were even worn-down signs that must have fallen from rusted wiring, and a few overturned vehicles in the middle of the walkways.

What threw [Name] off the most was the vast amount of tropical, Jurassic-like vegetation growing in all over the place. It covered the floors and buildings in vines with suspiciously colored flowers, making them take a few steps back in case it was going to suddenly eat them or something.

"Hey, can I ask you one thing?" Kansai brought up after they stopped in an emptier area within the plants. "Why...is there no one in this town?"

"So, no one's gonna point out the overgrown plants, huh?" [Name] wanted to groan out loud but settled for a deadpanned expression and said nothing.

Nyoro nodded to Kansai's question. "You're right. I don't see anyone around."

"Where are we, anyway?" Aniki seemed to be looking around for some sort of sign, or any tell to where they could've landed up in.

Tattsun pushed up his glasses, thinking. "I think we're near Kamakura. Our bus got caught up in an accident on our way to Kamakura, so..."

Everyone started spouting out ideas as to what happened to everyone and where they were, so [Name] decided to stray a bit farther from the group and started to poke around the empty area.

"Nothing will happen if I stick around and wait..." Their mind flashed to the one person who might have kept them company, before they sighed out softly, shaking their head. "...I guess I'll come back later whenever they all meet up again."


"Maybe there's a grocery store around here...or weapons? Will we need those, though...?"  [Name] muttered, slinking around between the dilapidated buildings and attempting to peek into the dusty windows. "Don't think they'd just be lying around like in those side-scrollers..."

The majority of the stores had closed shutters, and they didn't budge an inch even when they tried to lift them up with all the strength they had, which wasn't saying much.

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