[6 - the theater kid wants you to break a leg, literally]

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The other cap-wearing boy turned around to face Jennu, frowning while covering the top of his head. "Ah!"

"I see...Pai was planning to betray me later..." Pochi muttered. "If Jennu gets Reycho and Kansai's hats, her Task is done."

Kansai held his hands up in a mock-like defense pose, beads of sweat on his face. "Y-You wanna piece of this...? No girl's gonna beat me!" He paused, glaring at what she was holding. "But then again, you do have that weapon in your hand."

"Nobody said anything about weapons being against the rules!" Her eye twitched at his remark, raising the pipe in response. "Now hand over that hat..."

He growled, stepping back more into the trio's group.


"Run away!"

[Name] felt Pochi grab their arm for a second, instinctively wanting to pull it away from his grip. Confused, they let him pull their body out of the way, where Reycho immediately took action and jumped at Kansai, pushing him out of the way of Jennu's swing. The two rolled to the floor, and the girl scowled as she missed her targets for the second time in a row.


Kansai hissed, holding his elbow. Pochi gasped, spotting the red smears before he covered it.

"Kansai...you're bleeding!"

"Ha! It's no big deal, it's just a scratch..."

"No, that's not what I meant!"

Before Pochi could explain, a familiar whirring came closer above them, gaining their attention. The robot hand meant to take them away if their Task wasn't completed came into view, grabbing Kansai off the floor.

"Huh? Why? Whyyy?!" He screamed, about to run off, before he was snatched up by the hand.

Jennu and Pai seemed to both realize what was next, before they too were taken by their respective hands, yelling all the way.

For a second, [Name] thought it was over, before yet another one was heard creeping up on the remaining three. They remembered Pochi's Task, eyes widening.


The boy was clearly confused, looking up at the hand hovering above him. "Huh, me too?! But why?!"

There was no response as it grabbed him as well, dragging him off to where the others ended up. Reycho had his hands over his mouth, and [Name] closed their eyes, heavily sighing.

A click was heard not too far away, and the two turned their gazes to spot Pai's wristband fallen on the floor. Reycho walked over to pick it up, [Name] reading it silently over his shoulder.

[Reycho's task: Hug one of the boys by 10 minutes before the time limit]

"Well, now at least you know your Task." [Name] mumbled, getting a nod from Reycho in response. "You're probably wondering why Pochi was taken, right?"

He tilted his head, blinking. Noticing his confusion, they showed off their own wristband to the boy, surprising him.

"...I had Pochi's. Since Pai got taken, he wasn't able to complete his own Task...but that's why I followed you two, to see if he would or not."

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