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By the time i finish this, Kirasaya week might alr be over......I'm having an unfortunate writer's block too...... :/ but i'll try my best!

The first time Ririka noticed a change in her sister was yesterday. Kirari had just come home after the Tower of Doors. Now, Ririka knew her sister like she knew herself. They were one, sharing the same thoughts and mannerisms. They were uniform, born to be one person. They were made to understand each other.

But not today. Today her sister was distant, her thoughts far away. To be honest, Kirari had started to be lost in her thoughts ever since she hired a certain dark-haired girl. But it wasn't the same. Today her eyes were soft and there was a peaceful aura around her. Ririka eyes widened as she saw what was in her sister's eyes.

It was love.


"So, how did the gamble go?" Ririka asked as she watched Kirari undo her braids.

"Wonderful. Everything turned out perfectly. I watched a star burn so brightly. A supernova. A powerful and luminous explosion. The moon shined so brightly above the fields," Kirari replied.

Ririka frowned. A star? Supernova? Fields?

Kirari seemed to sense her confusion. "Fret not, you'll understand one day."

She got up and proceeded to go to bed.

That was the shortest conversation Ririka ever had with Kirari. Something was changing her sister.

A star......fields......

Just as Ririka was deep in thought, she received a message.

'Yumeko?' she thought.

The raven-haired girl had sent her an image. As Ririka tapped on the screen to see what it was, she let out a loud squeal.

It was an image of her sister and her secretary. Her sister was hovering above her secretary in a field of lilies, the Tower of Doors just in the distance, not too far away. Sayaka had a bewildered expression on her face. Her cheeks were tinted her pink and her mouth was slightly open as she stared at Kirari in shock. Kirari was gazing down at her with a smile on her face. It was the first time Ririka had ever seen Kirari smile so sincerely.

The thing--the person who was changing her sister was Sayaka.


As time went on. Ririka saw so many sides of her sister that she had never seen before. Kirari told her all about her time with her dear secretary.  Their first kiss. First date, and as time went on, proposal and marriage.

So many firsts had happened because of that fascinating girl with dark-violet hair and eyes. Ririka did feel a little pang of jealousy at times. She and Kirari had been together for the longest time. Yet, the first time Kirari cried was because of Sayaka, the first time Kirari turned murderous was also because of her.

But as Ririka reflected on how she too had changed because of Mary, she couldn't blame her sister.

Love truly changed them both in mysterious ways.

But for now, Ririka was content with having Sayaka as her sister-in-law and the four of them living together.

Kirasaya Week 2022:)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora