Diamond in the Rough (Chapter 4)

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Side step, side step, and now the twist... I heard Hana's voice saying the dance moves to me in my head. Apparently, a lot of people were being taught the dance moves by the actors that were in the show ten years ago. It was hard for a lot of people to learn, she told me.

Spin and jump, right, left... I continued through the rest of the dance, and smiled as I moved across the stage. Once again, the music faded out.

The male judge clapped his hands. "Very good!" He said. "Best we've seen today. Not many people got the dance. Now for the acting section. Please pick up the script book on the right corner of the stage and read a monologue or soliloquy of your choice from your chosen character." The judge told me. I walked over to the right side of the long stage, and flipped to one of Aislin's soliloquy that I was familiar with. I began to read.

"Every night I look out my dusty window. I stare at the stars, hoping that one will shoot by. I wait for a shooting star to make a wish on, to wish for my biggest dreams to come true. But now I finally have realized that if I'm waiting, then I've waited too long. I've realized that I have to chase them, because waiting will just let them pass me by. I am no longer afraid to take a chance, because that chance may be the only one I can get. So keep your flame of passion burning. Never let someone blow it out!" I spoke these words as if it were the real performance. I put power into each and every word that came out of my mouth. After I spoke the final words, the judge nodded his head, smiling.

"Great job! You put lots of power into that soliloquy. Not many people can pull off that scene," He told me. "Your audition is now over, and you'll receive the results in the mail in about a week."

I waved goodbye, and left with confidence.


A week later, I got a letter in the mail.

It wasn't just any letter.

I quickly opened the envelope with the words "Daydreams the musical cast results" written on the front. I slid out the bright white piece of paper and silently, excitedly, read the message at the top:

Miss Kaimana Karkea,

Thank you very much for auditioning for the musical "Daydreams". It was a pleasure to see how well you are on the stage.

Your singing was very powerful! You have a very good belt in your voice, and you know how to use it well. Not everyone can control a belty voice, so it was great to hear that you could.

I'm glad that you actually knew the dance moves for the audition. A lot of people thought that dancing wasn't very important in the musical, but it is in fact one of the things that make Daydreams such a great musical. You were very smooth with the transitions of each section of the dance, and it was great to see that you smiled the entire time.

For the acting, you did that scene very well. As I told you at the auditions, not that many people can pull off that scene. It takes someone who feels the same way as Aislin to speak that soliloquy so powerful.

I am very excited to say that you have been accepted in the musical "Daydreams". You have been given the role of...

I couldn't believe what it said.


I did it.

I reached my dream.


It's now June, and is finally the day of the performance. After four long months of rehearsals, the climax of my childhood has arrived.

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