So Good They Named It Twice...

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The next two days were a whirlwind of interviews and photo shoots and press and Jenna suddenly realised why Luke always looked so thin and tired!  She was exhausted as she flopped onto her bed on the second afternoon.  Tonight was a cocktail reception for a theatre charity Tom supported, they were sponsoring an Off Broadway production of a Pinter play.  After the show, there would be a chance to press the flesh as they put it and drum up some support.

She had been warned about it by Luke, so remembered to bring the green dress.  She hoped it brought them both luck.

The phone rang in her suite and with superhuman effort, she rolled off the bed and grabbed it. "Jenna Martin" 

"Hi Jenna Martin, this is your Boss speaking.  Why aren't you here attending to my every need?" the laughing voice drifted down the line.

"Because BOSS " she emphasised the word, rolling her eyes "I actually thought you might want to get changed on your own.  I didn't realise Luke actually did your shoelaces and buttons up.  Should I get him to buy you some velcro trainers?" she giggled.  Over the last 48 hours, they had realised they shared the same dry wit and passion for terrible, almost inappropriately bad , jokes.  Teasing had become the norm and she found it an ideal way to defend herself from the way her heart lurched every single time she saw him.  Bar none. 

"Now THAT is fighting talk miss.  You get yourself here this minute or I may be forced to report you to your employer - oh wait that's me! Consider yourself talked to." he laughed and then said "Seriously though Jenna, we have a few hours before the charity do, how do you fancy a bit of sightseeing?  It's not all work you know, we do have time for some fun together." there was a slight pause, "only if you think you'd like to though, honestly I wont be upset if you'd rather just relax" he lied, screwing his eyes up as he waited.

She sat down on the bed with a thump.  Tom was asking if she would like to share his precious free time.  What on earth made him think she would say no? Her mind raced and her heart thumped.  All her fangirl fantasies had never ever come close to this. She had to stay calm, she couldn't let him see her rabid desire to spend every minute with him.

"Tom, that's so kind of you, your down time is precious too and I appreciate you asking.  Of course I would like to, meet you downstairs in ten minutes?" she smiled and crossed her fingers, hoping she sounded calmer than she felt.

Tom grinned into the phone as he looked out the window, stay calm Hiddles he thought, stay calm. "Great, see you in the lobby.  Remember your gloves!" he put the phone back in it's cradle with a gentle click then turned away and punched the air "YESSSS".

An hour later, they sat on an open topped bus, a rug wrapped around their knees and watched New York go by. Although it was still snowy, none had fallen all day and the roads were clear.  The tourist trail led them all along the major sites, including the United Nations building, Grand Central Terminus and the New York Library.  Jenna ooh-ed and ahh-ed like all the rest of the passengers as Tom pulled his hat low and kept out of sight.  He was loving watching her face as she took in all the picture postcard places he now knew, after several visits, so well. The one reaction he waited for didn't disappoint.  As they turned up a street, Jenna looked up and an amazed "Oh My goodness!" escaped her as she took in the beauty of the Empire State Building.  It's clean Deco lines and astonishing size taking her breath away in an instant.  THIS was New York.

Tom nudged her, "what do you think?  Favourite building?" he asked quietly. 

She couldn't speak, the sudden realisation where she was, who she was with and what this all might mean, swirling around in her head.  She looked at Tom and burst into happy tears.  Instantly, he gathered her up in a warm hug, stroking her back.  She truly was the most genuine, sweet woman he had ever known.

"Shhh love, it's ok don't cry!" he said softly into her hair "I didn't mean for all this to upset you" 

"Oh Tom, no, I'm so happy" she managed to get out at last "So very happy." she pulled back and took her gloves off to wipe her eyes with the end of her scarf. "I'm sorry, I'm an idiot crying, it was - is - all just like a wonderful dream" she stopped before she said too much.  "I'm also a bit cold, can we get a hot drink somewhere?"

He rubbed her arm and nodded "Of course we can, soon be time to go back anyway.  Come on, next stop is ours.  Let's go."  They stood up and waited for the bus to stop, not realising Jenna had left her gloves on the seat.

Walking arm in arm to a little stall on the corner of the park opposite the hotel and Tom paid for a couple of coffees.  Jenna stuffed her hands under her arms to heat them up until the coffee cup could do the job. As he handed it to her, he noticed her lack of gloves, raising an eyebrow.

"Left them on the bus" she shrugged "not the first time I've done that, no doubt won't be the last" she gave a wry smile.  Tom shook his head and laughed softly.  It gave him an idea.

"Right, he said, let's go back, we can drink as we walk.  Time to get the glad rags on." they linked arms again and walked back up the street.  Before they walked back in, they separated and Tom looked at her a little sadly. 

"I'm sorry to do that love," he said "It's just.. you know how people are... " he looked genuinely sorry and she smiled.  Her heart broke for him, he couldn't even have a friend, for that's what she saw herself as now, without people jumping to conclusions.

"It's ok, I understand completely. " she smiled and walked in ahead of him, crossing to the lift without looking back. Tom watched her go.  Good God, he thought as the lift doors closed and she gave a discrete half smile, she was one in a million.  He turned away to the concierge desk and with a smile, said

"Hi I wonder if you could do me a favour?..."

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