Chapter 4 - Academy Inspection

Start from the beginning


The fragile thing would definitely shatter at the slightest use of his physical power. There is no other choice. Anos stealthily injected the paper-like sword with a bit of his Magic Power. That was necessary so that it wouldn't break easily when he use it.

Now that he thought about it, this is the first time he touched a sword in this body. He spent the last month researching and interacting with the humans around so he didn't have the time to check his physical prowess yet.

Anos swung the sword a few times, testing its weight and balance. He was surprised at how different it felt from the weapons he was used to. He had always relied on his immense magical power to defeat his enemies, but now he would have to rely mostly on his physical strength and skill with a sword.

With each swing from him, a massive current of air was generated that left a huge trace on the paved ground around him. Slightly surprising his audience.

He continued to practice, experimenting with different techniques and styles. As he did so, he felt his muscles start to burn a bit and his breathing becomes slightly labored. He realized that this new body was not as powerful as his old one, and he would have to adapt his fighting style to compensate.

He focused his energy on his next swing, channeling his magic power into the sword to increase its strength and durability even more.

With a light swing, he brought the sword down on the rock. The blade sliced through the rock with ease, shattering it into pieces. The inspector's arrogant expression turned to one of surprise and admiration.

"Well done," the inspector said, nodding his head in approval. "It seems that you are indeed worthy of attending the academy. Congratulations, Anos–"

The inspector didn't finish his words before Anos sliced again. And again. Each time increasing the speed of his swings.


In a blur as he swung the sword multiple times in quick succession. The sword glowed with a red, magical light as it sliced through the air and struck the poor rock again and again.

Everyone around widened their eyes when they saw that Anos's hand had all but completely disappeared from the sheer speed of his swings and all they could hear was the sound of the huge rock being disintegrated into mere dirt.

The inspector was stunned by Anos's incredible speed and skill. He had never seen anything like it before. Anos's father and mother were also impressed. Cid had a strange smile on his face. And the maid behind him widened her eyes in shock.

"Amazing," the inspector said, his voice filled with awe. "I've never seen anyone wield a sword like that. You truly are a prodigy, Anos."

Anos stooped, feeling a sense of awareness. He has lost himself a bit trying to regain his past skills.

"Fumu" Anos said, nodding his head. "I'm looking forward to attending the academy."

With that, Anos turned and walked away, leaving the inspector and the others in awe of his skills.

As he walked away, Anos couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. He was looking forward to the opportunity to attend the academy so he could meet his sister and learn more about this era, but he was also feeling a sense of sadness and longing for his former life.


It seems that Anos has demonstrated his impressive skills with a sword and has been accepted into the academy together with Cid. He is likely feeling a mix of emotions about this, as he is excited about the opportunity to meet his sister and possibly also the reincarnated Hero Kanon, but he also feels a sense of loss for his former era and life.

It will be interesting to see how he adapts to life at the academy and continues to learn more about the era he has been reborn into. It seems that the absence of Demons in this human world did not allow him to completely enjoy the peace that he wished for in his previous life.

It's possible that Anos may face challenges as he adjusts to life at the academy and learns to navigate the new era he has been reborn into. He may feel isolated and out of place, as he is the only one who knows about reincarnation magic and is the only Demon on the continent.

Additionally, his brother Cid's behavior may continue to be a source of confusion and frustration for him. However, Anos is a strong and capable individual, and with time and effort, he may be able to adapt and find a way to overcome his boredom in this human world.

One way that Anos could potentially overcome his boredom in this human world is by exploring and learning more about the new era he has been reborn into. This could involve attending the academy and studying subjects that interest him, as well as interacting with others and forming new relationships.

He may also want to try new hobbies or activities that 'challenge him' and keep him engaged, such as learning a new skill or taking up a sport. By actively seeking out new experiences and opportunities, Anos may be able to find ways to stay engaged and fulfilled until he regained enough power to go back to the Demon World.

Demon King of Tyranny Anos Voldigoad in The Eminence in ShadowWhere stories live. Discover now