Chapter 4 - Academy Inspection

Start from the beginning

He could feel incredible Magic Power coming from him. Yet the abilities he displayed were at best average. Even for this era's standard.

For the past month, Anos tried to be understanding and supportive, but his efforts were met with continued avoidance, so he become frustrated and somewhat angry.

He at one time considered using magic to read Cid's mind and his thoughts, but Anos eventually decided against it as that was unfair and he wanted to honor his brother's privacy. After all, everyone has a secret or two. Hell, he himself was a Demon King disguised as a human. He has no right to say anything.

Talking about disguising, the elf Beta was nowhere to be seen. He hadn't seen her even once since that time in the library. In fact, other women came one by one at a time in her place disguised in that same maid appearance. Since they didn't do anything major besides glaring at him, Anos ignored them for the time being.

For his sister. unfortunately, Anos did not meet her yet. He knows close to nothing about her besides the fact that she is the heir to the Kagenō Family. Currently, she is still attending an Academy in the capital of this country.

The Midgar Academy for Dark Knights. The most prestigious knight academy on the continent. It pulls in talented students from both inside and outside of the Midgar Kingdom. In Midgar, all aristocrats must attend this academy as a formality. Which means he is also required to attend it too.

Anos was concerned about the potential consequences of attending the academy. He was worried that revealing his abilities and knowledge could lead to unwanted attention or even persecution of his family. He was also thinking about the ethics of the methods taught at the human academy and whether they align with his own personal beliefs and moral code. Anos was not confident in holding back if an arrogant human brat was foolish enough to dare to disrespect him or those around him.

Alas, his bald father was ignorant of his thoughts as he had already called an inspector from the academy to test his abilities so they could see if he was worthy enough to attend the prestigious Academy as a special student.

Anos tried to talk to his father about this and explain his concerns and reservations about attending the academy. He even tried to make his father understand why he is hesitant and why he would prefer to attend normally after a few years. But his father is unwilling to listen to his concerns. Anos even thought about refusing to participate in the testing as a way to avoid attending the academy. But his pride as the Demon King of Tyranny would not allow him to take a such cowardly move.

This brings us to the current situation.

Anos looked down at the training sword that was thrown on the ground and then at the huge rock in front of him.

They were currently in the vast training field behind the mansion. His father and mother were standing at the side watching him. Cid was also present beside them with one of the disguised maids standing behind him. It was not Beta but one of the other women.

Then there was the inspector who has an arrogant expression on his face. The man in armor just walked in out of nowhere and abruptly threw a training sword rudely at his feet.

"Tsk, nowadays. Everyone thinks their child is a genius. You stinking brat, don't tell me you can't even slice that rock."

Ultimately, Anos' decision about whether to attend the academy would depend on how much he is willing to show his abilities. Since his father is not willing to take his advice into account then he can only blame himself if something happened.

"Fumu. Alright then."

Anos smiled and picked up the metal sword from the ground. He then tested the durability of the sword by carefully tapping it with his other hand.

Demon King of Tyranny Anos Voldigoad in The Eminence in ShadowWhere stories live. Discover now