Chapter One: Puppy Sitting

Start from the beginning

With a full mind of thoughts, I close my eyes and try to sleep, and only after an hour I finally do.

The alarm sets off and without hardly moving my body I hit my phone screen with my index finger turning it off. This is the first day of spring break and I'm going to make it a great one. Then I suddenly remember and shoot up out of bed and rummage through my closet for something to wear.

Cute and comfy or sexy showing off a lot of skin? I sign to myself and sit at the end of the bed. I have nothing good to wear, everything I've worn over and over again every week.

"You really need to update your closet or else he won't notice your natural beauty." I pout to myself with my face in my hands.

"Angel are you ready hurry up!" Dad hollered from downstairs. I whine and stand back up and search my closet one last time.

After a few minutes, I change into a yellow summer dress speckled with mini red flowers. Then I pack up a week's worth of clothes and every essential toiletry I have available in my bathroom.

I quickly head downstairs and greet dad with a kiss on the cheek. "Bye, dad love you." I head to the door and open it.

"Now wait a minute am I of no importance to you any longer now that you get to watch over a dog for a week?"

"Of course, you are important to me you're my wonderful dad who raised me into a young woman," I then smile. "I'm just excited to see the puppy."

"Alright get over there before he leaves you a note instead."

I widen my eyes and rush out of the house. I can't let Austin leave me a note I at least gotta see his handsome face and hear his sexy voice before he leaves.

I walk up the steps of the porch of his house and then lightly knock on his door.

Not long after the door opens and there he stood before my eyes with the little puppy waging its tail down at his feet.

"Great you are here I was hoping you would make it on time, thought I'd have to write everything down for you instead." Austin chuckled picking up the puppy before opening the screen door. "Come inside and put your bag down where ever you like, but I'd advise you not to put it on the floor this little guy likes to chew on everything, ain't that right Pat?" The puppy barks in response.

I step inside and put my bag on the couch and let my eyes gaze around the living room before fixing them back on Austin. I turn my head slightly to him and can notice from the corner of my eye that he's looking me up and down.

Though I don't mind that he's looking at me I can't let him be late for work even if I want him to stay.

I turn completely to him. "So what can I do for this cutie while you're gone?"  I stroke the puppy's head smiling.

"Not much really just make sure he doesn't chew anything that's not a toy like furniture and shoes, and make sure you let him out at least every two hours so he doesn't have any accidents in the house, feed him around five o'clock tonight. I'll feed him in the mornings before heading out so you don't need to worry about that, and before you head to bed put him in his kennel in my bedroom, I think that's it—no it's not, take him out for a twenty-thirty minute walk if that's alright with you."

I let out a small giggle with a nod. "I understand I'll take good care of him for you while you're gone, I'm sure we'll get along very nicely right Pat," I said and he responds with another bark.

Austin hands Pat over to me while he grabs his business bag and coat before turning my way once again.

"Thank you, Anny I didn't want to leave him alone all day by himself for fifteen hours straight, I'll be going now. You have my number so call if emergency."

"You're welcome I'll see you tonight—wait no actually I'll see you in the morning I don't think I'll be up that late." I laugh, though it doesn't mean I won't try. I want to try and spend much of the time I got with him before he goes to work and I want to know if he has ever thought of me in a way other than his best friend's daughter.

I just need to get much closer to him than I am now, more intimate with our friendship or whatever we may have going on. Honestly, I feel like we're drifting apart more than anything and I dont understand why.

"You going to stay out of trouble for Anny while I'm gone?" He said to Pat who rested in my arms. Austin then looked at me as if just remembering something. "Your bedroom is the furthest door on the right you can either keep your stuff in that bag of yours or unpack it it's up to you, bye now I'll see you tomorrow." He said his last goodbye to Pat and left in his car leaving me alone in his house with his dog under my care.

I plopped onto the couch with Pat on my chest chewing my hair. I pick him up holding him above me.

"Your dad is great but, unfortunately, I can't be with him without being scolded by my dad and ruining their twenty years of friendship." I giggle at the thought. "I'm talking to a dog who doesn't understand a thing I'm saying, but maybe that's a good thing after all I can't even tell my bestie who I have a crush on without being scolded by her as well."

I place Pat beside me and he lays down to sleep, and while he does I get up and head to the kitchen for a drink from the fridge then grab my bag and head up the stairs to my room.

The furthest to the right, I gotta remember that, though a self-house tour wouldn't hurt.

I've been here plenty of times but I hardly ever looked around since all I ever wanted to do is be beside him and kinda help him out with things in the back yard and what I mean by helping is when I watch and hand him a certain tool every once in a while.

Pregnant By Dad's Best Friend #1Where stories live. Discover now