"I don't know her, sir; I was raised in an orphanage; she died after my birth, which gave her enough time to name me sir." 

"AFTER ALL SHE HAD DONE TO ME, SHE KIDNAPPED AND VIOLATED ME ALMOST EVERYDAY. When she finally freed me, I wanted nothing to do with her. THEN SHE HAD THE AUDACITY TO GIVE YOU MY NAME WITHOUT MY PERMISSION." I yelled, standing up and slamming my hands on my desk. I'm baffled as to why she's so interested in me or where her obsession came from.

I sat back down, stuttering. Tom asked, "W-W-W." "What do you mean, she violated you?" 

"Well, Tom, that woman had me bewitched at the time, but I didn't know how." One second I was fine, and the next, after drinking the tea, I was in love with her at that exact moment, the same day I met her. We eloped together not even after 24 hours of meeting each other. I remember—I remember everything, every second and every hour. I try to forget, but could never do so." 

My eyes were haunted as I spoke, and Tom shuddered in horror as the implications of my words slowly sank in. I took a couple of deep breaths and lowered my tone of voice as I realized that it wasn't his fault and I shouldn't yell at him.

"She stopped using her magic to control me some months into our marriage. I don't understand why, but she thought I might want to stay with her. "If she had never had that delusion, I would never have been able to leave." 

"A-a-a love potion," Tom offered in a strained, stuttering tone that he couldn't fully process. 

"She drugged you with a love potion, it sounds like."

"That's foul magic." Tom said as though he wasn't here any more and was processing what I just said. After a couple of minutes, he came out of his daze and once again started to stutter.

"I-I-I--ah, I didn't know, sir; I-I-I don't need anything, sir; I just wanted to meet you, because my whole life I was raised to believe that I was unwanted and abandoned; I'm sorry for appearing before you; I'll take my leave now," he said, with tears coming down his face. He looked more broken as the time went on, and I feel bad for yelling at him when he didn't do anything. I took a second to yell after him before he went out the door.

"WAIT, cough, I mean wait." 

Shakily, he turned around and faced me.

"Wait a second, let me calm down first, and then restart our conversation on a more peaceful note on my part." 

"Sir, it's ok if you do not want to see me; I understand. There is no need to torture yourself any longer by looking at me," he said, gripping the door handle as if ready to run out the door.

Taking a few more breaths, I lowered my voice and said, "It's not your fault; I just need to calm down, so please have a seat." 

Sitting down on the chair he was in before, he took a moment to wipe
his face and breath in and out. I kept my eyes on his every move, from the way he carried himself to the way he was looking down at his hands.

After a few seconds, he looked up at me and saw me staring at him; he quickly lowered his head. Me being a curious bird, I asked the one question that's been on my mind since the first time I saw him.

"Is that your real hair color and eye color?" 

"Y-y-yes, sir, before today, my hair and eyes were just like yours, sir." 

"If your eyes and hair were just like mine, why is it a different color now?" 

"I went through my creature inheritance today, sir." 

Grindelwald Son & GrandsonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora