The pocky game~ Page 3

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"" = talking

name:"" = talking/typing in a group chat

** = actions

() = thinking


*(insert name here) pov*

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = changing pov's  

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = ending the story or starting the story

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = changing to irl to groupchat or groupchat to irl

.................................................................................................... =  means im too lazy to type the conversation that you would only see if you scrolled up in groupchats 


*Scott's pov*


*I started to wash my face with my facewash* about 5 min later i was done washing my face and my makeup is off. *i turned around to face jimmy, he looked so shocked when seeing my face* "Scott whe-"Jimmy started  "please don't question why i have so many scars on my face..." I said cutting jimmy off not wanting to explain. "okay." Jimmy said "um can we go back to my bedroom and maybe play a game" I said "What kind of game" Jimmy asked "i don't know let me check what games i have" i said starting to walk out of the bathroom while jimmy followed me out. *i went over to my game cabinet* "lets see i have monopoly, uno, candyland, some marbles... dam i really need to get some more games" I said while trying to see if i have anything else. "Is that the only place where you keep your games?" jimmy asked "I mite have some other games downstairs" i said while walking to the ladder thats goes into the kitchen. a few minutes later i found some pocky and thought (maybe me and jimmy can do the pocky game~~~) "hey Jimmy!" I yelled while I went up the ladder "did you find a game?" jimmy asked "I found some pocky so maybe we can do the pocky game~" I said "What's the pocky game?" Jimmy said "you don't know what it is jimmy i'll explain to you after i set it up because i want to play it" I said with a huge grin across my face "ok?" jimmy said "jimmy do you want to do the alcohol version?" I asked  "sure i guess?" jimmy said after 5 mins the table is set up and i had like 3 boxes of pocky in my kitchen and then i got my alcohol from my alcohol stash. "I-why do you have so much alcohol!?" Jimmy said "oh I just love the taste of alcohol" I responded "Scott are u an alcoholic?" jimmy questioned "don't worry i only drink once a month maybe three times a month" I answered "ok then, so are you going to teach me how to play" Jimmy said  "yep" i said *10 minutes of explaining later* "do you understand?" i asked "yeah i understand" jimmy said "okay then lets start" i said grabbing a pocky stick and going to one side of the table.  *5 minutes later jimmy pulled away when their lips were like less then an inch apart* "aww whats wrong jimmy~ you don't want to kiss me" I said while jimmy grabbed a cup of alcohol "Not yet" Jimmy replied and started to drink from the cup "dang your finally flirting back, toke you awhile"I said with a grin "wanna do another round?" Jimmy asked "lets keep playing until the alcohol is gone" I said "That's a great idea" jimmy said *5 hours passed we ran out of alcohol i only pulled away once not because we were to close, just because somehow my shelf fell down so i was barely drunk.* "so what do we now were out of alcohol" i asked a very drunk jimmy.  after a few minutes jimmy stood up grabbed my hand and pulled me up onto my feet. "lets dance" jimmy said "one sec" i replied while pulling out my phone to put my music playlist on and then after i put my phone on my shelf then i turned to jimmy "now we can dance" I said and as soon as i said that jimmy grabbed my hands and we started dancing and i started singing along to the music while dancing with jimmy "Scott i didn't know you could sing" Jimmy said "iv'e always been able to sing jimmy~" i said and went back to singing we dance until we both got tired which was 2 hours later "jimmyyyyy I'm tired" i said "me to" jimmy said so we stop dancing and i just fell back onto my bed and jimmy join me on my bed just laying there "wanna cuddle" i asked jimmy, jimmy just grabbed me and pulled me close "I'm taking that as a yes" i said while pulling my blanket over me and jimmy and cuddled into jimmy. *not even a minute later we both fell asleep.* 

*hours later at 10:49pm*

*I woke up cuddled into jimmy's chest and my phone was blowing up with texts* (why is my phone blowing up with texts?)  I thought to myself *so i grabed my phone and took a look*


*in the group chat (called idiotic people)*

*something that, something this.... blah blah blah, just nonesenes*   ...................................................................................................

Wood daddy: "nuh uh (insert anime character name) is the best"

llama boi: "what did i just wake up to?"

Music boi: "No (insert diff anime character name) Is the BEST"

Bee Queen: "morning Scott"

llama boi: "so whats going on?"

Wood daddy:"Nuh uh (insert oils fav anime character) is the worst and (insert sausages fav anime charater) is the best"

Bee Queen: "sausage and oil are fighting over who is the best anime character is"

*llama boi banned Sausage and oil from chatting until 4:30pm*

llama boi: "if any of u FUCKING wake me up again i swear to FUCKING GOD I WILL KILL U ALL"

llama boi: "now excuse me I'm going back to sleep"

*llama boi went offline*

*Bee Queen screenshotted this conversation*


(it's still Scott's pov btw)

(I'm so glad that they're most likely not going to blown up my phone anymore, now to try to go back to sleep) I thought to myself (wait how'd jimmy not wake up from the noise) I asked myself in thought. *30 mins later* (Ughhh why won't the world let me sleeppppp) I thought (yknow what I'm just going to make breakfast bc i can't go back to sleep) *so i got up out of bed carefully so i don't wake jimmy up and then went to the kitchen* (hmmm what should i make. Pancakes and maybe some eggs sounds good) *30 mins later* (oki im done, now just to see if jimmy's awake and if he's not then wake him up if i can) *1 min later* "jimmy, wake up i made breakfast" I said trying to sound sweet ig "nooooo i dot wana gt Pupppp. (noooo i don't wanna get uppppp)" Jimmy said very much still half asleep and pulling my blanket over his head. "I made pancakes and eggs tho" I said hopeing jimmy actually likes pancakes and eggs "Yu pid? (you did)" Jimmy said sounding half asleep and peeking his head out of my blankets "yep come on lets go eat now!" I said "okiiii"Jimmy said starting to get up *then me and a very sleepy jimmy went down to my kitchen and ate the pancakes and eggs while talking* "hw id u bake thses panckaes an egs sow goose scoot. (how'd you make these pancakes and eggs so good scott)" Jimmy said still half asleep "jimmy are you still drunk from last night" I said while giggling at how weird jimmy's talking. "wah nose in nt duk jst tied. (what no, i'm not drunk just tired)" jimmy said "i can't understand you jimmy, here is some iced water(is iced water a thing?)" I said hopeing that it would wake jimmy up. *jimmy took the iced water and drank it* "do i spill sound talf asleep" Jimmy asked "you still sound a little half asleep" I said "but you tan underspam me" jimmy asked "ya i can tell what your trying to say" I said "oki but what do we do now" jimmy asked "We should probably figure out are relationship status" I said "ya thats a great idea" jimmy said


Is this considered a cliffhanger? also ive been a bit busy with my other stories and my birthday was a few days ago so ya.

word check: 1362

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