becoming official~ Page 4

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"" = talking

name:"" = talking/typing in a group chat

** = actions

() = thinking


*(insert name here) pov*

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = changing pov's

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = ending the story or starting the story

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = changing to irl to groupchat or groupchat to irl

.................................................................................................... = means im too lazy to type the conversation that you would only see if you scrolled up in groupchats


*jimmy's pov*


"so before we decide if we are dating or not you should know that i do have a soulmate thing and if your not my soulmate, then if you still want to date me you can but expected me to leave once i actually find my soulmate..."  Scott explained "oh ok then" I said "whats your soulmate thing then?" I added "well i'm half parrot and thats a bird and all birds have soulmates so you just have to touch my wings and if they glow a color then we're soulmates if it doesn't glow then we're not soulmates... also please be careful touching them They're a bit sensitive to touch" Scott explained again/asked. "I'll try to be careful Scott" I said. *so i then touched Scotts wings and me and Scott had to look away because Scotts wings glowed so bright that it hurt to look (also the color of the bright light was the exact same color  as the poppy jimmy gave Scott in 3rd life~)* "Is it supposed to glow that bright!?" I asked after i stop touching Scott's wings. "Nope but were soulmates!" Scott said "to be honest i didn't expect that we would actually be soulmates so I'm really shocked but also really happy!" I said "soooo are we dating now?" Scott asked. "Is that even a question Scott" I said "i mean i feel like i have to ask because like then it wouldn't really be official" Scott said "oh in that case... Scott do you want to be my boyfriend!" I asked "YES YES YES YESSSSS! " Scott yelled. "Wow your really excited" I said. "Hate to admit you're actually my first official boyfriend" Scott said "really!?" i said surprised "i mean if hooking up with random guys counts then thats like 1,000+ guys...." Scott said "that doesn't count, wait 1,000+ GUYS!?" I said/yelled "I'm like a male slut okay, also i promise i won't sleep with any guys while we were dating sunflower~" Scott said "oh so were using nicknames?" I asked "Of course we are, is that even a question sunflower!" Scott said. "Ok then um........Petal!" I said "OooOo so my nickname is petal! right?" Scott asked "Yup! and is sunflower mine?" I said/asked "Definitely!!!!" Scott said. "are nicknames are so Cute!" I said "they really are! but how are we going to tell everyone else we're dating?" Scott said/asked "lets go on to the groupchat and ask if everyone is reading the texts and when everyone is we should change eachothers contacts to are nicknames so you would put Scott's sunflower and i change your to Jimmy's petal!" I said/explained. "that is probably the best idea you have ever had in your entire life!" Scott said "I have to agree with you on that" i said.  "Let's do your idea right now!" Scott said pulling out his phone. "Ok" I said pulling out my phone. "who should ask?" Scott asked "hate to say but you should because no one lisens to me..." I said "I lisen to you tho" Scott said "yeah but no one else does..." I said "if they want to miss out on what you have to say then fuck them" Scott said.  "I- thanks Petal!" I said

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