Chapter 2

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At New Hong Kong City, UC Earth

After pushing back the Psycho Gundam in its gigantic mobile suit form with a Dynamic Entry-style kick, Sekai Kamiki landed his Build Burning Gundam on the ground in the middle of the abandoned streets of New Hong Kong, cracking the surface. He directed the controls for his mobile suit to make a martial arts stance with the unfolding of Exia's GN Sword towards the gigantic black and red machine and his GN Drive is humming with potent blue particles.

"Your opponent is me!", he yelled, charging at full speed towards the Psycho Gundam to slash at it.

Gritting her teeth and fighting off the headaches she suffered, Four Murasame sensed something really strange and dangerous from the unknown Gundam-Type machine's blade with her Cyber Newtype powers. That includes the strange blue particles emitting from its back and the Titans Second Lieutenant is not taking that chance. She controlled her Psycho Gundam's cockpit joysticks to activate its large rocket propulsion thrusters and evaded the hostile mobile suit's bladed attack by flying up in the air.

"I don't know who you are but since you attacked me... you must be my enemy! Die!", the female Titans pilot yelled and fired her Psycho Gundam's Diffuse Mega Particle Cannons at the enemy below her.

In response, Sekai lunged his Build Burning Gundam in the air, facing Four's powerful beam attack head on and threw a powerful straight punch imbued with blue particles and green waves of light through its left forearm. "Jigen Haō-Ryū:... Shippū-Zuki!"

His powerful attack punched through the Diffuse Mega Particle Cannons' destructive blast, disintegrating them away which caused a huge shockwave of wind and particles across the city of New Hong Kong. Several buildings' glass windows were all shattered and blown away all at once, knocking around and injuring numerous civilians caught in the radius of the attack. After breaking through the Psycho Gundam's blast, the Build Burning Gundam charged towards the gigantic Titans mobile suit but the latter sidestepped away to the right with its rocket thrusters from its punching range.

However, Sekai immediately turned his Gundam around and shouted, "Jigen Haō-Ryū:... Senkō Majutsu-Geri!"

His GN Drive-powered mobile suit struck the Psycho Gundam in the chest with a diving kick, followed by a particle booster-assisted knee strike using the other leg! Four screamed as her gigantic machine was sent flying down into the ground hard and it caused a massive crater that brought down a lot of buildings around her, sending unlucky civilians still around on the streets flying.

Even Kamille Bidan flew out of the way with his Gundam Mark II and saw the aftermath of the destruction.

"Hey, watch it! There are people living in the city!", the AEUG pilot yelled at the newcomer's Gundam with a blade after his cockpit's visual showed him several people trying to get out of the compromised buildings with their wounded.

Suddenly, Kamille saw the Psycho Gundam slowly getting up from the crater albeit it seemed to have suffered a major damage on the chest inflicted by the unknown Gundam-Type machine despite its Gundarium Alloy for some reason. Seizing the opportunity before him, he brandished a beam saber of the Gundam Mark II from the backpack and jumped high in the air.

"Take this!", he shouted as he swung down his weapon at the Titans mobile suit.

But Four brought up her Psycho Gundam's Anti-Beam Barrier in time after sensing an enemy attack and protected herself from Kamille's beam saber slash with the raising of her machine's right arm. Then she backhanded the Gundam Mark II away, sending it flying. Although Kamille regained balance mid-air and flew to get out of the way of the gigantic red and black machine's stomach particle cannons firing at him.

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