Welcome to Operation Kamikaze

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My mind wandered as I sharpened my katana, simply drifting as I overlooked the view of the city from the run-down apartment's window. My father owned the complex to support his gang, so I could call it as trashy as I'd like.

A lesser known assassin myself, my father had targeted me for a top-secret high-level mission. He hadn't yet disclosed much information, except that it was very dangerous and very important that no one discovered any information about it. The only other thing that I knew was that it was to be called Operation Kamikaze. Knowing anything from our history, and about the Kamikaze pilots, it meant this mission may turn out to be a death sentence. 

First thing with these kinds of missions was to analyze the situation and circumstances. My father was the Crimson Dagger, head of a large mafia unit located primarily in Osaka, Japan. Almost nothing about me was public information, and my identity was relatively secure under a clean record. Despite my everyday appearance, I was trained in high-level violent hand-to-hand and weapon combat by my father from a brutally young age.

All of these could be part of the reason why I was called upon for this mission. A mission this secretive was bound to be paying quite well, meaning my father would be more than willing to put my life on the line. How unsurprising. 

If I were to let him down in any way throughout the mission, there were bound to be punishments. Something far more sinister than the simple hot coals and whips from my childhood. I had all the scars to constantly remind me of my past mistakes. Messing up something as valuable as this would probably be bad enough for my father to bring back him.

Thinking about it, my father has always been quite brutal. Unsurprising for being the most well-known assassin in the area. The most surprising and mysterious part though was how my mother, a mercenary on the side of the heroes, had managed to fall in love with him. Probably through ample amounts of manipulation, if I had to guess.

I turned to the door seconds before the light tap-tap-tap sounded, my hearing toned to know the footsteps of my father by heart. The tall, lithe form of my father became visible as my door was pushed open, and I could just make out the outline of my best friend behind him.

My best friend was a few years older than me and had recently taken the position of the leader of a growing organization in Yokohama. Tenko Shimura, or Tomura Shigaraki, as he had asked me to call him in recent years. He had been working with my father as a business partner these past few years, so it wasn't uncommon to see them together.

My father looked dead serious as he dropped the file full of papers in front of me, and my eyes shot over to Tomura, who wasn't doing well at hiding his concern. I silently opened the file and skimmed through the run-down of the mission. I felt my face go pale as I turned to the target overview.

Yagi Toshinori. My target was Yagi Toshinori. Much better known by his hero name. All Might.

I looked up to my father's expectant gaze, too shocked to speak. He gestured for me to continue reading some of the files. I flipped through the pages, still in shock as I read the extent to which they had gone to make a mission like this possible.

They had managed to get a spot at the elite UA High School for training heroes open for whoever was willing to accept such a harsh mission, and the customer had offered a pair of quirk-restraining handcuffs to help out. They needed someone who was young enough to blend in, with a quirk strong enough to give them a fighting chance against someone like All Might, as well as enough experience in the field. My father obviously felt I met all of these requirements.

They had a detailed location where they needed All Might to be transported to once the mission had been completed. Completion of the mission involved critically injuring or kidnapping the symbol of peace. It definitely made sense why it was called the Kamikaze Operation. Failure would obviously mean death, life in jail, or unexpectedly going "missing".

Looking at the signature of the hirer, it was obviously one of our bigger buyers, someone that had enough experience working with my father that they knew how to negotiate with him to get something done right. This also meant turning down a mission like this wasn't an option if we wanted to keep one of our biggest customers and sources of income.

Everything was covered in the mission, from the hour of arrival to the day I was meant to start. Just as my father had predicted, the mission was perfect for someone like me to take. Was it nearly impossible? Yeah, yeah it was. Was there still a chance I could do this right and make it out with my life? Hell yeah.

I could tell my father was getting restless with the continuous silence, one that none of us had dared to break. I closed the file and hid everything under the poker face I mastered as a child, every doubt, question, concern. "When do I leave?" I kept my tone steady as I stood up, face-to-face with my father, a monster in his own right.

He smiled, a wicked smile. "You leave tomorrow at dawn. You'll be brought to a small apartment near the school in Musutafu. You have today to pack and prepare, and I've already gotten the uniform in your size. Everything has already been set up for you to meet with a teacher to determine your skill level and the class you'll be put into, exact dates and times will be written down and given to you tomorrow. The highest class is 1-A, the hero course, partially taught by All Might himself. You'll be given profiles on students he seems close to, maybe you'll be able to get some information from them. Manage to get yourself a private quirk analysis with All Might or something and you're golden."

He checked his watch, muttering a quick farewell before leaving the room. Tomura seemed unsure whether he should say something or not. I didn't wait for him to speak, playfully punching him in the arm. "Let's go for a walk, yeah?" He nodded a bit, seeming to be at unease with the fact I accepted a practical suicide assignment without any sort of affect.

We made our way out to the empty street, falling into idle conversation about what Tomura had been doing lately and my latest obsession with learning to work with kunai knives. Eventually we stumbled into the bar, as we usually did right before dangerous missions. At this point the bartender knew us well enough to just hand Tomura the bottle, and we sat down in our usual corner, away from possible eavesdroppers.

We each took a few quick shots, a little tradition between the two of us to kick things off. Tomura voiced his concerns about my mission and offered his thoughts, and I tried to convince him to worry less. I was established with the work that I did, this was the same task as usual at a slightly different scale.

Slightly is an understatement, but not something to dwell on. 

We finished off the night with far too much alcohol, drunken dancing, and stupid little conversations I knew I'd miss.

After all, I was getting sent to a hero school, packed with pro heroes and students wanting to dedicate their lives to what they believed to be the greater good. I was being sent there to attack a practical god and probably die, so honestly, at this point? Fuck it, fuck it all. What could possibly ruin my life any more at this point?

Not such wise words.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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