Birth of Delsie

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After the wedding, the happy couple went for a honeymoon in Chile . After eight months, they came back. Ben had come to pick them  up at the airport .

He suddenly noticed the size of Shalom's stomach had increased. His curiosity made him inquire why her stomach had such a difference.

" Shalom ,are you getting fatter or something? "

" Ha! Nope! Am pregnant Ben.."

" you are?"

" yeah!"
" congratulations then!" A pile of jealous arose in him as he smiled forcingly.

" thanks Bestie, you are not the only one who will be a daddy Ben!"

" I agree!"

" so, let's celebrate the blessing God has poured on me. "

After one month, Shalom was arranging the dishes as Sensan arranged clothes in the room ... Suddenly, Shalom screams.

Sensan comes running to where Shalom is.

" what's wrong my sweet honey!"

Slapping his back, " labour! labour! "

Sensan sweats as he carries Shalom running with all his might.

" driver! driver! Hurry up and open the gate now!"

The driver opens the gate as. Sensan drives out of the compound in a supersonic speed. He arrived at the hospital and doctors help him get Shalom out of the car.

She is taken to the emergency room. Sensan waits outside impatiently as his wife gave screams that shake the ground.

A nurse comes out of the emergency room and calls Sensan aside.

" congratulations sir , you have a bouncy baby girl!"

" What! Seriously? "

" yeah!"

" thank God!"

Sensan enter the room and find  Shalom resting together with her daughter . suddenly, She wakes up and received a forehead kiss .

" what name will we give her?"

"Samey? "

" Debbie! "

" okay let's call her Delsie!"

" wifey , where did you get that name from? "

" I mixed our idea names!"

Sensan kissed her twice after which a warm hug followed.

" I love you so much my heart's desire! "

" Love you too!"

" did you talk to Ben since last month?"

" nah!"

" why the long silence?"

" I wonder baby girl! "

Suddenly, Baby Delsie, stretched herself . Her mute and helpless nature made her more cute.

" I feel like squeezing her checks my  dearest treasure. 

" I will talk yo Ben and even invite him to our baby's dedication day!"

" okay!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2022 ⏰

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