Chapter 8: Meeting Bhua

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Gagun Pov
We finally reach home after long talks with Simon and Akash. Simon took us inside while the servants took care of our luggage. Bhua ran to Akash and hugged him so tight. She looked at his face and then his body many times. Then I greeted her.
"She is your wife," Bhua asked Akash

"Yes Bhua, her name is Gagun" Akash replied.

"Yeah and brother is madly in love with her" Simon says teasing Akash.

"Okay kids we will joke around later, I made Akash's favorite. Let's all have dinner. Washing our hands we sat at the dining table. I was sitting in between Akash and Simon. After we were done eating Bhua told one of the servants who I think was Meera to show us our room. As we were going to our room Bhua stopped me. "Gagun, be ready at 5 am tomorrow, I have something we need to do," she said.
"Okay, Bhua" I reply and followed Akash to the room. The room was really elegant and pretty.
"Akash what does Bhua want to do with me at 5," I asked him

"I don't know, you should now," he said.

"Your no use," I said after picking up my clothes from the bed. "I am going to go change first then you change," I said to Akash.

As I came out I saw Akash laying on the bed. "You can go now," I said. He picked up his clothes and went to the bathroom while I lay on the bed, trying to sleep.

After many turns and twists, I finally fell asleep. It was 4:30 am when I heard my alarm go off. I got up trying to move, but it wouldn't budge. It felt as if I was fighting against the force of a rock. I suddenly felt the warm breath on my neck. It was Akash. He wrapped me around in his masculine arms and my back was touching his hard chest. I guess he is a deep sleeper. He didn't even wake up for the alarm. I tried getting out of his arm, but he was holding me tightly.

"Akash" I whispered in his ears, but no response. I think he is a deep sleeper.

"Akash," I said a little louder, He slowly opened his eyes taking his time.

"Akash leave me, I need to go," I said

"I ain't holding you, go," he said

"Yes you are, leave me, you're holding me in your arms so tight, I tried to move but you wouldn't let me go," I said

"Oh," he got up. "How did you even get on my side, were you trying to do something" he adds on

"With you, in your dreams," I said with a smirk on my face as I got the clothes from the cupboard.

He went back to sleep while I showered and went downstairs to find Bhua sitting on the sofa.

"Good Morning Bhua," I said

"Good Morning Beta" She replies back.
"I want to put you up to a test, I want to see if you are good for my nephew" she adds on.

"Test?" I asked her

"Yes, and when you complete the test, I will accept you as Akash's wife. But Akash should not know about this test" she said walking to the kitchen "come here" she said picking up an apple and a knife.

"You want me to cut this apple," I asked

"No, you can't eat, anything for a day. Since you were late, you get to eat only one apple" she said handing me a knife and an apple

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