kidnapped by a madman 2

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Sorry for taking so long to write.  But please enjoy and comment!


Recap:  Grace is chained in basement and  her kidnapper has just opened door and she sees something catch her eye on the basement floor.


All i can think is what is that ?  I quickly look up at him so not to give him any idea that there is something catching my attention.  He throws down the sandwich and drops the jug of water next to me .  He then grabs the bucket and leaves to empty it.  In moments he is back and drops the bucket and stairs at me through his mask.  His eyes are searing and its all I can do to stare back at him.  I drop my head in submition and then he leaves.  I know from the many days I have been here that he leaves the house at around this time and when he gets back the abuse will start. I move over closer to the stairs and search with my foot around the floor for the object that caught my eye before.  Many minutes pass and nothing found.  I grow frustrated and start to think that maybe it was just my imagination working when i saw something.  Then the side of my foot brushes over something small.  Using my foot to pull the object closer to me a surge of addrenoline hits me .  This could be it .  This could get me the hell out of here.

  finally I am able to grasp the object with one of my chained hands and I am beyond thrilled at what i find.  There in the palm of my hand is a hair pin.   Then a deep sadness rolls through my brain knowing that this hair pin belonged to someone and that someone is not here.  "oh god" I gasped I hope that who ever this belonged to made it out of here alive but in my gut i know he murdered her. And if I don't get out of here I will be next.  I quickly get to work taking the hair pin and moving it around inside the keyhole.  After 5 minutes still nothing happens.  I sit there for what feels like a long time trying any angle I can with the hair pin to get these damn handcuffs off then suddenly I feel the metal give on the cuff I was working at .  a flood of joy fills me and i am just a bit closer to leaving this hell. I work with renewed energy with the other cuff twisting and pushing the pin around.   Finally it gives slack jumping up and running to the stairs my brain racing with thoughts of that man standing at the top of the stairs behing the door just waiting for me.  But I push open the door and nothing was there.  Stopping for a minute to listen to see if I can hear him moving around but nothing makes a sound.  The door from the basement leads me into a kitchen and on the other side of the kitchen what looks like a hallway I run through and at the end of the hall i see a front door with a small window thats shaped like a rectangle.  I bolt to the door ripping it open and running out into the sunlight.  no words can describe my feeling at this moment . fear , joy, freedom, hope all wrapped into one. 

I run down the front steps and get to the next door neighbours house .  It's a small house with a front porch.  I run to the door and bang on it as hard as I can still feeling as tho my attacker could possibly be still nearby.  A kind faced old women opens the door and looks at me with astonishment and confusion. 

"what is it? she says

"please help me I need police quick"  telling her with urgency in my voice

she nods at me and leaves me at the door.  in a moment she is back with a cordless phone in her hands and she is talking to someone.  She hands the phone to me.

"This lady needs to talk to you dear." she says


"hello this is 911 what is your emergency" the operater states.

" My name is Grace I have been kiddnapped and just escaped please send police please hurry".

" Okay Grace whats your last name?"

"Haveston, I am 15 and I live at 45 oakpark cresent.  please hurry I am affraid he will be back and find me."

"where are you now Grace?"  the operater asks

" ummm "

  I ask the old lady what the address is and she tells me so that i can relay the address to the operater.  The operater tells me to stay on the line with her until the police show up and she asks me questions about my family until i finally see a police crusier.  I feel my whole body relax a bit and I let the operater know that the officer is there. I hang up the phone and hand it back to the older lady and walk up to the officer.

"Grace haveston?" he asks

I nod my head and he leads me to the crusier.  I plunk myself down inside the car and he informs me that he is bringing me to the station to get my statement and then my parents will be called to come and pick me up.  he then asks me to point out the house where I was being kept.  I look up and point to a small home made of dark brown brick.  Funny enough it looked like any other home on this street the outside was taken care of and looked homey not like it should have been a place where young girls are kept chained and abused and raped.  it was nestled in a family community where young couples took there children out to play on the front yard and where people walked down the street and waved at each other and bid eachother good morning or good evening.  Little did this comunity know that there was a maniac living in there neighbour hood praying of innocent girls. 

The police station didnt look like it did in the movies or on tv.  Interrogation room looked like a small space with two cheap looking chairs across from each other and in the middle a small white table stood.  The officer wanted me to tell him everything that happened leading up to my kidnapping.  So I talked slowly letting him write down stuff he thought was important.  Then came the hard part.  Talking about the abuse telling a perfect stranger how this man touched me how he forced him self inside me making me scream in pain and anger.  How he took something away from me that I can never get innocence how I felt soulless like someone had taken my spirit.  How would I ever be able to live life without thinking about that bastard and what he has done to me.  My face was soaked with tears.  my body ached as I was sobbing.  I didnt want to continue to tell this officer what happened I just couldnt stand reliving it over and over.  But it was something I had to do.  I told him everything I could remember but  left out how many times I was raped.  It was not something that I wanted to think about.  I had been through to much today to relay that and the feeling of  embarassement was too much.  We were almost done when a knock on the door came and I looked up to see a light haired officer poke his head in to let us know that my mother and father were here.  Instantly I jumped up and ran to the door, and saw my mother with a worried look on her face walking up to me from the left side hallway as soon as she saw me she started crying and grabbed me and hugged me for what seemed like forever.  I will never forget what she said " my poor baby, oh god, i am so glad we have you back" 

please tell me what you think!

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