8 - Nott sister's arrival

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 (The soing above is the song she sings later on) I'm currently sitting astronomy tower.

Alyssienna: Hey Max it's me Alyssienna, I remember how you said that if you were to ever die you would be the full moon on a night that I wanted to die and you would constantly remind me how beautiful life is well you're here and it's one of those notes

I smiled softly while looking up at the moon.

Alyssienna: Man you'll never believe how right you were that night we first met Mattjheo you told me that I was going to fall for him so hard that everything he did that upset me before was going to hurt me well here I am falling for him and hurt so O came to talk/sing my feelings out with you

I soon started singing. Later when I went back to common room the party was over and there sat an upset looking boyfriend of mine.

Alyssienna: Hey Mattay tay

Mattheo: Hey bub

He held his arms open and without hesitation I walked over and hugged him. He fell back wards making us both lay down. We laid there and cuddled. We eventually fell asleep on the couch in the common room. I was still in my dress and him in his party outfit when we woke up. We quickly ran and got dressed before heading to a few classes 

We were all gathered in the great hall. We were supposedly getting a new student today. 

Dumbledore: Please welcome Enola Nott

I looked at Theodore. Our sister has come to Hogwarts to ruin our lives. I mouthed ' what the bloody hell' to Theodore and he mouthed back ' why is she here did dad send her'

Sorting Hat: Hufflepuff

Pansy: Oh my gosh no way I never knew a Nott could be a hufflepuff

Alyssienna: Shut up Pansy

Draco: But for real since when is a Nott a hufflepuff

Theodore: Since Mother dearest raised her right before she passed then Enola went to live with our aunt

Alyssienna: Father probably sent her here cause he didn't want to deal with her now just wait till this summer when she gets home

Theodore laughed knowing she was in a world of mental hurt for being a hufflepuff. Our father always said that a pure-blood belonged in Slytherin, Theodore and I went through that mental and physical world of hurt after our Mother had passed.After that we went about or day. It;s or break Mattheo, Theodore, Pansy, Blaise, Luna, and I are all leaned against a wall in the court yard talking when Enola walks up to us. Mattheo is standing behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist Blaise is doing the same with Luna and so is Theodore with pansy. They made it official the other day.

Enola: Hey sis

Alyssienna: It's Alyssienna not sis who are you

Enola: Is he your boyfriend

Alyssienna: None of your business

Enola: Is she your girlfriend Theodore

Theodore: Sorry do I know you

Mattheo let go of me and Theodore let go of Pansy. We both walked a few steps towards her.

Alyssienna: No for real do we know you

Enola: I'm your guy's sibling

Alyssienna: Sorry last I checked I only had a sibling who was in slytherin not hufflepuff

Theodore: Same here

We did our hand shake that Enola used to be in.

Enola: Guys come on don't be like that

Alyssienna: Like what 

Enola: Now I know why Aunt Beatrix told me to stay away from slytherins

Pansy: What'd she tell you... that we were rude and bad people

I spun around and pushed Pansy backwards. She was standing in between the and I but little further.I have a spanish accent when I talk btw along with Theodore

Alyssienna: Only person who gets to bully Enola is me and Theodore not you Parkinson

I turned back to Enola and smiled.

Theodore: Nice acting sis but you need to work on the fake cryin' a little more

Alyssienna: For real but I had no idea that our once devilish child of a sister could be a hufflepuff

Enola: What can I say aunt Beatrix was a b!t#h

Theodore: Tell us about it Mom tried to send us there when we were 11 but once we got there and she left we ran away

Enola: Where's Max

Theodore: Enola... last summer Max died

Enola: You're lying tell me he's lying

Alyssienna: Not Enola it's true Bellatrix stabbed him and before the poison in her dagger had effected him he took my pocket knife and plunged into his chest

She instantly broke down and I ran over to catch her before she hit the ground.

Alyssienna: Come on now you need to get to class

We all walked away all going our separate ways. i had a free period right now so I went to the astronomy tower. I pulled out a pack of cigarettes that I stole from Mattheo while we were hugging. I lit one and sat at the edge letting the smoke collect in my lungs before blowing it out. I had smoked at least 2 now before I heard someone's voice.

Draco: When'd  you relapse

Alyssienna: You want me to be honest

Draco: Yea...

Alyssienna: The day he died

I wasn't lying but I also wasn't telling the truth. I just started smoking again during the slytherin party. He slowly walked over and took the pack and threw them across the room. He then sat down facing me and pulled me in between his legs. I laid back and put my head on his shoulder as his arms wrapped around my waist

Alyssienna: This is it

Draco: What

Alyssienna: This is the feeling I've been searching for my entire life for as long as I can remember, because suddenly the world went quiet and that felt safe in my own head, panic attack stayed, and I found a way to live... so will it eventually kill me... maybe, maybe not i don't know 

I said all of that in a soft, raspy voice. Draco tightened his grip and I turned around hugging him.

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