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"What're you gonna do Gun? What I saw in college Sky is still traumatized of you."

Gun(smirked): Good... It'll be fun toying with him once again then.

Saying this he turned to look at his friend.

Gun: Petch you'll help to kidnap him.

Petch: But what if Prince Pai know about this! You know he's scary. Will it be okay to touch his boy?

Gun glared at him and gripped his neck.

Gun: What do you mean by that. Is he scarier than me huh? Huh?

Petch coughed when he couldn't breathe and said a weak 'no' which made Gun loosen his grip that made the poor beta collapse on the sand and gasp for air.

Gun : Then do as I say worthless beta...

Saying this he went out of the place as he was done with watching Pai and Sky playing in the water.

Petch looked at his friend with betrayed eyes. He never thought he'll bring the position talk ever. They used to emotionally hurt others about these matters but he never thought it'll hurt this damn bad. He thought maybe if he kidnap Sky back to him he won't think of him worthless. So he determined himself to do the job so he can gain the worth back to his friend.

Petch was Pai and Venice's street race acquaintance. He thought of approaching them while the others weren't around them.

On the other hand while they were having fun Som noticed that someone was keeping an eye on them. He didn't say anything at first thinking maybe some strangers but his suspicion increased when he saw a shadow following them when they were heading back to their cottage. It happened the next day while they were getting on the board to go scuba diving. It happened the day after that while they came back from cycling and going towards the hot air balloon ride to see the upper view . Som couldn't hold back his suspicion anymore. When they went back that day he said that while they were having dinner.

Som: Guys I think someone is following us...

Sky: who? Did you see anyone?

Som: Not the person but I can see a shadow whenever I turn back to see if anyone was following us or not...

Venice: You're suspecting....

Som: Yes Phi I'm suspecting them.

Pai: Wow I didn't think they'll take action so soon.

Venice: Where soon Pai they waited one month like father expected. But still I don't think it's Tawan's doing.

Pai: Why so?

Venice: The way Dad explained him... I don't think he'll do this lowsy work on spying.

Stop: Then who can it be?

Venice: I don't know if they have some intention ..... maybe one of them can approach us???

He shrugged his shoulder and they started eating while thinking about the possibility of the person that can happen to follow them around.

Venice's thinking got him right. The next day while they were waiting outside for others to get ready for the photoshoot session Petch came to them.

Petch: Hey phi you're here on vacation too?

Pai and Venice gave each other a knowing look and then looked at him and smiled.

Pai: Yeah we are .

Petch: So who are you with?

Venice: Our mates and friends.

Petch: Oh really? Dang that's so lucky. Here I'm trying to get that chick but I don't know how to impress her..... Hey Phi can you help me please. I really like her.

Saying this he looked at the distance at some girl.

Pai: How can we help?

Petch got excited when he thought they were getting in his trap.

Petch: Can you give me your keycard while you guys are going outside ? Please Phi I promise I won't do anything bad. I'll keep your trust.

Venice: Uh uh fine. Here take my keyca...

Petch: NO... I... I mean it'll be good if it's P'Pai's room. I mean...

Pai: It's fine you can have my keycard.

Petch: Thankyou ne Phi.

Saying this he took the keycard and ran towards the girl while calling Gun that he got the bird trapped in his net.

Venice and Pai knew instantly while Petch approached them. They immediately went to their room and called all to have a meeting. They said everything they had the conversation with Petch.

Venice: Like I said it's not Tawan but Gun.

and looked at Sky and Rain.

Pai: It's time...

Sky and Rain nodded in understanding.

Venice: You are ready right?

Rain: Yes... We're ready...

Stop Ple and Som said in unison: We too...

Pai: Great then I'll call home to let them know tha game is beginning.

He called and said Kinn the code word.

Kinn: Hello Pai?

Pai: Pa...Black clouds with heavy rain is gonna start.

Kinn understood immediately and hung up, getting ready and telling others to get ready for the war.

It's time for revenge.....

It's time to start the actual war...


One step closer to the ending 🫢

See you in next chap

Bye bye na 👋💞 💞 💞

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