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I headcanon that Arthur is biologically Leo's cousin, being why he looks like Augustus even though he's adopted.

Alex (Leo's little brother) is deaf.
Ariel (Leo's little sister) tends to associate sounds with things and sometimes uses those associations to describe sounds to Alex.
Ariel and Alex share a room even though they don't have to because they like being near each other.

Ariel and Alex start a club with Erik and Tobey dedicated to being twins.

Arthur hates Leo because he's jealous of Leo's bond with Agatha.

So some of y'all may remember the brief-ish appearance of Cecelia, who was allegedly Sophie's sister. I headcanon that she's Millie's mother and put a lot of pressure on Millie throughout her childhood, hoping she'd grow up to take the throne somehow. Obviously this didn't happen, so Cecelia had a second child (Ginny) to do what Millie couldn't. This then also leads to the headcanon that Tom pressuring Kelly to adopt Ellie was one of Millie's wishes to keep Ellie away from Cecelia.

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