An idea began to take form in Linh's mind, and she decided to act on it. It was better than sitting around and waiting, after all. So, she stretched out her consciousness in search of the "water's voice", as she called it. It was one of the things no one would ever understand without the ability. She could feel a connection with the water. A bond. And if she tried hard enough, she could feel for its presence. 

A calming sensation passed through her--the water's voice. Her lips curled into a smile as it beckoned her. Called for her. Linh extended her arms, curling her fingers before un- curling them. She repeated the motion multiple times, pulling the water's essence closer, imagining small snowflakes following the frigid breeze into the cave and all the way into her cell.

The water obeyed, and a small stream of water flowed in her direction and tickled her knees. Snowflakes sprinkled her hair and nose. Until soon, she was covered in snow and drenched with water at her knees. She let the water soak into her clothes, and then her skin; naturally absorbing the liquid and fueling her strength. 

She took a deep breath, a wave of rejuvenation and peace coursing through her veins. The water singing it's songs of calming streams and rivers. Strong and independent rapids and waterfalls. Telling the story of its journey. And Linh listened. The songs calling to her. Inviting her to follow them on their journey through the cycle of water. 

The songs tugged at her heart, calling to her. But she resisted, remembering her friends. They needed her help. So instead of them calling her, she called them. Asking them for their help. For their strength and peace. Their hope and assistance. 

//Dex POV

"Woah," Dex gasped from his corner, just noticing Linh as the water reached his pants. He flinched as the cool liquid soaked his pants and socks. But Linh was too invested in her water to notice. 

He watched as she muttered words under her breath, and the water changed its course. Instead of flowing to Dex, it returned to her and disappeared as it was absorbed... into Linh? She straightened as the water entered through her skin, strengthening her enough to the point where she could stand probably with ease. Whereas Dex could barely stand without wobbling like a newborn baby. 

"Linh?" he asked, stepping closer. The remaining puddles of water parted as he walked towards her, "Linh!" 

But she was too lost in thought to hear him.

"Dex?" Marella asked from the next cell over, "What's going on?"

"She's just..." he racked his brain for an accurate explanation, "In a trance of some sort. It looks like she's calling on the water. It's making her stronger, but it looks like she's too lost in thought. Too far from reality to come back." 

Chains scraped against each other as Marella scrambling closer. 

"I can try and vaporize the water?" Marella suggested. 

"Uh... try. But be careful."

"I need something to let the fire catch onto. Like, fabric or wood or something. So it can travel to the water." 

Dex nodded, ripping the ends of his cape and straining to pass it over to Marella's cell. Seconds later, she passed the flaming fabric back to Dex, who took it carefully before placing it at the water's edge. 

It burned, and a cloudy smoke hissed into the air. Linh shrieked as she was knocked back to reality, and Dex caught her as she fell back. 

"What the-- Marella!?"

"It's fine," Dex calmed her, "You just looked like you were on the verge of drifting away. We needed something to bring you back. Marella may have just saved your life." Linh pushed away from him, gathering what was left of her puddles and twisting them into an orb that hovered above her delicate fingers.

"I was fine," she assured him. "I was asking the water for their help."

"Help?" Marella asked.

"Their strength. And it was working. But now," she sent Dex a scowl, "I have to coax them back into agreement. They don't want to help murderers." 

"Murderers?" Dex asked, and Linh nodded.

"You just turned my water into steam!" she snapped, and Dex sighed. He really didn't understand this hydrokinetic stuff. 

Before anyone could step in, a door slammed shut and footsteps came bounding down the hall. Dex straightened, and Linh rushed to hide the very last of the snowflakes and puddles, though, leaving a few snowflakes at the tips of her hair for style. 

"Get up," the men snapped. Dex straightened, but obeyed. Linh gave Dex a worried glance as the men opened each cell and bound each prisoners' arms and legs with chain. This was not how things were supposed to go. But Dex quickly scooped the weapon back into his pocket before the Neverseen members chained them up and marched them down the hall towards the doors. 

But going opposite of where the Collective still waited. If they were even alive anymore, Dex added, grimly. 

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