When they reached one of the many wooden doors lining the walls of the house's upper floor, Adelinde turned to Diona and bowed her head. "I'll leave you to get used to the room," she says. "If you need anything, I shouldn't be too far, but the other girls will be happy to help if you can't find me." She bows a little deeper, then turns and leaves.

Diona stands outside of the room for a moment, stomach turning with grief and nerves. She's not scared to be alone, she's always been able to take care of herself, most of her childhood had been spent taking care of both her father and herself, but there's something different about being alone after spending so many days surrounded by others.

She debates just turning and leaving again while Adelinde's gone, but pushes the door open anyway.

The room is plain and would be unimpressive to most people. Very little furnishings fill the room; just a wooden wardrobe, an empty desk and chair, and a bed. A red rug is splayed out over the floor, but that's the only colour in the room. Despite its lack of decor, the room is impressively large to Diona. The size of the bed alone is comparable to her room at home.

Home.. That's where she really wants to be. Back home with her dad and the rest of the hunters. Back in her small room with all her toys and her books. But now she's stuck here and it's not fair. With a huff she sits on the edge of the bed, unexpectedly sinking further than she thought she would.

The bed is so soft. She shuffles back. She feels like she hasn't slept in so long. Maybe a little nap wouldn't be so bad.


Diluc leans backwards, the torn fabric of the bottom of his shirt between his teeth, and presses his back firmly against the stone. When he's sure that he's in enough cover he peels back the ripped fabric of his trousers to get a better look at where the skirmisher's projectile had caught his thigh. The wound is bloody, but not deep, just like he expected. He tears the hole in his ruined trousers wider and takes the fabric of his shirt from his mouth, tying it around the open wound. He'll tend to it properly later.

He turns left, hoping he spots where he tossed his claymore before he gets to his feet. Lucky his hand meets the greatsword's handle as he swings around, and he uses the blade to assist himself in getting back to his feet by digging it into the ground and pulling himself up.

He keeps his sight on the last standing skirmisher, the geo one that had injured his leg. The greatsword behind him, he runs towards the Fatuus, then he stumbles as a sharp pain shoots through his leg.

His stumble gives the skirmisher the perfect opening.

Diluc is thrown backwards as another projectile tears through his side. He cries out when he hits the ground hard and rolls. The Fatuus approaches him, twirling his staff, and likely readying his final blow.

Diluc looks up, hilt of his sword still in hand and his eyes not leaving those of his opponent. If he was going down, he's not going to be showing any fear when he does.

"What the-?" The words slip past Diluc's lips as a sword suddenly protrudes from the Fatuus' chest.

The sword is pulled away as fast as it appeared, and Diluc is suddenly looking at the smirking face of his younger brother. "Got your hands full, Darknight Hero?" He's making fun of him.

"I didn't need your help." Diluc knows he's lying, but he won't admit that. He pulls himself into a sitting position and winces.

Kaeya's eye finds his injury and his smile falls into something more sympathetic. "Clearly." He holds a hand out towards Diluc, but doesn't wait long before leaning forwards to take Diluc's arm and pull him to his feet.

Diluc pushes himself away from Kaeya, stumbling forward before the other man reaches for him again. "Don't be so proud," he mutters, guiding Diluc's arm around his shoulder and allowing him to lean his full weight against him. "There's a time for it, and it's not now."

Kaeya supports him for the short distance to where he had set up camp before dropping him rather unceremoniously onto the ground.

"What are you doing out here?" Diluc groans.

"I followed you," Kaeya replies casually as he begins to rifle through Diluc's belongings. "Good thing I did." He pulls a first aid kit from the backpack and holds it up triumphantly. "Now let me see your side."

"Absolutely not," Diluc argues, eyes wide with shock as he attempts to shuffle away from his brother. "Go home."

"You'd rather die out here alone than accept my help?" Kaeya almost sounds genuinely hurt. When Diluc doesn't answer he drops the bandages he's holding, throwing his hands up. "Fine," he says, "but don't try to claim I left you here to bleed out when some poor bastard finds you on the verge of death."

He leaves, but Diluc knows what he's doing. 'When,' he had said. He's sending help.

When Diluc is sure Kaeya is far enough away, he works on getting his shirt off without brushing against his wound.

Shit. That's deeper than he thought.

Is it too late to call Kaeya back?

He shakes his head. He doesn't want to be relying on Kaeya of all people. It looks like he'll be treating this himself before he can head home.


A/N: I haven't used wattpad since 2017, but I just remembered that this account exists, so I may as well use it

Make sure to check out my social media in my bio

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