chapter 5

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05. bloodbath


later that night

WHEN PAIGE GOT HOME, THE FIRST THING she noticed was an envelope on the floor that had been slipped under her apartment door. Carefully picking it up, she flipped it over to see 'Ghost' written before she opened it. Taking the sheet of paper that was folded neatly in the envelope, she quickly skimmed it over.

Time is running out.
- Laverna

Inside of the envelope was also a small map that had a heart over a location with its coordinates written down beside it. On the back of it was another note that said, "Thought you'd need a little help finding me!" Rolling her eyes, Paige placed everything back into the envelope before going over to the small office in her apartment.

Typing the given coordinates into her computer she quickly found the address of where she assumed her mother was being held. She knew that she was potentially setting herself up and that it was probably a trap, but she didn't have many days left to find the woman and she didn't want to take her chances.

Finding the place was the easy part, getting in would be a little bit more difficult. The building was lined with security guards all armed with guns. "Of fucking course," Paige muttered under her breath as she analyzed the scene. The place had many entrances but they were all heavily guarded so there was no way she would be getting in without a fight.

Stealth would definitely have to be on her side and, luckily for her, invisibility was kind of her thing.

Invisible, Paige silently approached the guards that stood near the back entrance of the vacant building. Carefully, sneaking behind one of them, she grabbed their keycard before pocketing it. Looking over at the door she knew that if she just scanned the key and went in, it would be suspicious as to why the door was opening itself and no one was around.

Picking up a rock from off the ground, she threw it farther away causing the guards to move towards the sound and away from her. Quickly, she scanned the keycard and slipped through the double doors.

Once inside, she looked around. She didn't have much guidance as to where her mother could be and she was completely alone. As she carefully walked through the halls of the building she caught sight of three guards in front of her, blocking the only way forward.

They had already caught sight of her so it was useless trying to become invisible. One of the guards attacked her first as he went for a punch. He missed causing her to grab his arm and twist it after his swing. As he cried out in pain, she brought her leg up, kicking him in the face before dodging an incoming hit from another guard. Dropping down, she slid across the floor, taking out his ankles. Once he was on the ground she kicked him unconscious for good measure.

"Stop right there!" the last man called out from behind as he pointed his gun at her. "Come any closer and I'll shoot!"

Cautiously, Paige brought her hands up as she slowly turned on her heels to face him. She watched as the man moved closer to her before he finally grabbed her arms, zip-tying them behind her pack. Once he holstered his gun, Paige threw her leg back, kicking him in the knee before turning around to send a powerful roundhouse straight to the side of his head. Using her powers, she phased her hands through the zip-tie before the plastic fell to the floor.

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