A Little More Time

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She took a last drag on her cigarette, then pressed hard against the aluminum lid of the trash can. Her right hand was still rummaging through the black leather bag until she felt the key to her Spark, the seats of which were covered with large makeup boxes. She hurried to the parking lot, exposing herself to the relentless rain. The dark gray knit cap on her head was wet in seconds.

- Meg?

She raised her head, placing her left hand on the lock of the bright blue car.

- Adam?! - With glowing eyes and a smile that inevitably escaped, she greeted him, perhaps too loudly. His face smiled and her heart skipped a beat again, just like it had all those years ago. It didn't seem like that much time had passed, and aside from a few new lines around his eyes and lips and a tattoo of butterfly wings on his neck peeking out from under the collar of the shirt he wore, he had hardly changed. He stepped closer and hugged her, raindrops sliding down the dark cap on his head, over his leather jacket.

- How are you? - she managed to mutter, amazed by his proximity and well-known smell. Her chin was trembling.

He vaguely pointed to the space behind him, simply answering - I'm shooting a movie. She nodded as she pressed the car lock with her fingers.- You? I didn't know you were here. 

- Yes. I've been working here for eight months now, on the series. I was recommended by a friend, it's well paid... I read somewhere that you got married - She uncertainly pointed to his left hand and smiled. 

- Congratulations.

- Yes. In fact, we are expecting our third baby.

She covered her mouth with her palm.- Oh my God. You must be overjoyed. I wish you all the best. - She squizzed his hand. 

She stared into his green eyes for a few moments and felt tears welling up in her eyes. She felt a lump in her throat and was already thinking about a creative excuse to say goodbye to him, with the addition that it was raining, when he, without blinking, decisively said:

- Let's go for a drink. We haven't seen each other in a million years.

He was still holding her hand. She just blinked and followed him to his dark jeep with armored windows. She was already completely wet.

He talked about Behati, and his daughters, about his achievements. He was talking about Blake and the competition in general, which she left after working for The Voice for three years as a make-up artist. She couldn't help but laugh with him. He was always eloquent and had an excellent taste for humorous quips. She loved that about him. When the laughter stopped and there was an awkward silence, images of her naked body in his bed began to fill his mind. 

He shook his head.

- I wondered for a long time how everything happened with your mom when you left.- She didn't suffer for a long time. The disease was too aggressive. - She said while her eyes filled with tears. He shivered. He reached across the table and gripped her hands tightly.

- I tried to call you. Unsuccessfully. - She nodded her head.- As soon as I returned to Boston, I changed all my phone numbers and deleted my profiles on social networks. I completely disconnected from this world. Mom passed away after ten months, and I was expecting a baby. He raised his eyebrows and pursed his lips.

- Yes, I have an eight-year-old daughter. - She smiled uncertainly. - Callie. She is my rock. He flinched at this comment as he looked at her cell phone screen at a photo of a girl with eyes. He remembered well the song she sang to him and wrote it in a letter that he still keeps in the first drawer of his desk that no one knows about. The most loving poem in the most loving letter. For a moment he wanted to ask her what happened to the two of them, but quickly gave up on the idea, shaking his head in disbelief.

- Callie's dad?- Her dad is in Boston with his family. They see each other during the school holidays, she likes to be there with her brothers.- So, you lived for the last eight years as a single mother?- That's right. – Her chin trembled as she nodded her head.

Something inside Adam broke. He caressed hers with his fingers, leaning his chest completely on the table. He nodded to the waiter for another round.

- I should have left already. - She said when the waiter put down another martini in front of her.- Meg – Adam said sternly – I think we owe each other a little more time.

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