Chapter 2

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Gerard's P.O.V

I couldn't sleep. I realised that Astrid was asleep though. Her breathing became slightly heavier. I'm assuming she doesn't snore. But the nose injury wasn't helping. I get out from under the cover, carefully. The cold hit me like a wave. I grabbed my coat and put it on. I walked around the mattress to look at her. Such a beautiful woman. I smiled. I don't usually stalk people. But within a few hours, I'd taken to her. I really like her. How could I not? The way she handled Jasper was amazing. Through the whole thing, I was captivated with her. The look she'd given the photographer's scared me too. Even with the blood seeping out of her nose. When she'd stood up straight to shout 'attention' to Jasper was fucking hot. I wanted to just dive on her there and then. I grinned as I moved over to the kitchen counter. I unpacked the plastic bag. Three carrots, an onion, mushrooms, stewing steak, oxo cubes, a small loaf of wholegrain bread, a small tub of margarine and a two litre bottle of vanilla coke. I put them away and grabbed my phone. I scrolled down to my brother, Mikey and pressed call. Then I put the phone to my ear as I leaned against the small sink. Mikey answered after the first ring. Wow. Must have been waiting for my call.
Mikey: "Where the fuck are you? Your manager said you vanished. Everyone's panicking."
Me: "I'm fine. I went to rescue a damsel in distress."
Mikey: "What do you mean? Who is she? How do you know she's not a crazy fan?"
Me: "Her name is Astrid Riverside. She works at the 'Homeless support project' that I was visiting. She calmed a war veteran down when no one else could. Even though she got a punch in the nose for it. By accident of course. Even with blood pouring from her nose, she managed to scare the fuck out of me and ten photographers. Oh and she hates celebrities."
Mikey: "Fuck. She sounds like a force to be reckoned with."
Me: "She is."
I heard clicking from Mikey's end.
Mikey: "Jesus, bruv."
I frowned.
Me: "What?"
Mikey: "I just googled your mystery girl."
Me: "And?"
Mikey: "There's a article. 'Brenda Trent of the Homeless Support Project rescues a mystery girl by a river. The girl was eighteen years old. She was battered and bruised to the point that she needed hospitalisation. The girl, later found to be called Astrid, had a long list of injuries. These included, a broken collar bone, left shoulder dislocated, right arm broken, all fingers and both thumbs broken, a stab wound to the abdomen, both legs broken, all toes broken, both ankles broken as well as several gashes littering her body.'"
I looked over at Astrid in shock. Poor girl.
Mikey: "'Astrid refused to reveal how she sustained the injuries. Even though she was lucky to survive. She also refused to reveal her last name. Mrs Trent took the girl in and gave her a surname. Astrid Riverside. Due to her being found by the river. Astrid began working for Mrs Trent as a volunteer and working at a local Starbucks. She later moved into her own place claiming she needed freedom. Mrs Trent believes that where she last lived was more like a prison. So Astrid wanted to live alone where she would feel free.' Fuck, Gee. That poor woman."
Me: "It hasn't got any better for her. She lives in a building where rubbish and whinos litter the communal areas. She shares a bathroom and toilet. She sleeps on a single mattress in a small bedsit. Her only furniture is the mattress and a small chest of drawers. The kitchen is just a small counter with a tabletop fridge, tabletop oven and a microwave. She has no heating either. I seriously don't want to leave her here. I'm worried something could happen to her. It's not safe. Even the lock on her bedsit door is dodgy. It wouldn't take much to break in here."
Mikey: "So what are you going to do?"
Me: "Hopefully convince her to stay with me. At least until she can find a better place to live."
Mikey: "You think you can? She hates celebrities, remember?"
Me: "I know. But I won't give in. Even if I have to stalk her day in, day out."
Mikey: "Good luck."
Me: "Can you do me a favour?"
Mikey: "Sure. What's up?"
Me: "Pick up two thick quilts, some cups, plates, bowls, cutlery, two coffees and some takeaway for us, please?"
Mikey: "She doesn't have plates and stuff there?"
Me: "Not that I can find, no."
Mikey: "Okay. I'll be there as fast as I can."
Me: "Thanks, bruv. Your the best."
We said our goodbyes then hung up. I kept my eyes on Astrid. I knew who did that to her. Her parents. She said to Jasper earlier how they treated her. I'd like to find them and give them some of their own medicine. How could anyone hurt such a sweet, beautiful woman? But why didn't she like celebrities? And how do I change her mind? I smiled as a idea popped into my head. I took my phone out and worked on my plan. I see no reason why my plan won't work.

Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

One hour later.

Astrid woke up as she heard a knock at the door. She sat up, wrapping the quilt around herself as I opened the door to reveal four guys, wrapped in quilts and carrying two bags each. I let them in and shut the door behind them.
"What's going on?" Astrid asked, frowning.
Mikey smiled. "We were My Chemical Romance." He started. "I'm Gerard's brother, Mikey. This is Ray, that's Bob and the midget over there is Frank. We brought food and drink. Soft drinks cos me and Gerard don't drink. We're going to show you that not all celebrities are arseholes."
I smiled. My brother is so cool. Astrid groaned as she looked at me with a murderous look in her eyes.
"Why the fuck did you do this?" She snapped. "You have no right inviting strangers into my home. I didn't even want you here. So why would I want your friends here?"
Mikey stepped forward, crouching down infront of her. She glared back at him.
"Don't have a go at him." Mikey said, gently. "Gerard is one of the nicest, kindest people I know. He likes you and wants to help you."
"I don't need help." Astrid snapped. But her face had softened a little bit. Go Mikey.
"I know, hon." He smiled. "But he worries about people. Too much to be honest. But that's just how he is. He invited us here to meet you. To show you that some celebrities are nice, genuine people. Granted some are complete arseholes. But not all. Give us a chance? Please?"
"Actually." Frank started. Astrid looked over at him. "Bob's a complete arsehole." Bob punched his arm, playfully.
"Cheers, bud." Bob laughed.
Mikey sighed and Astrid looked back at him. "Don't mind them two." He told her. "They're always like that. Winding each other up. But they don't really mean it. They're not arseholes. Their just crazy idiots."
"Cheers." Bob and Frank said in unison.
Astrid closed her eyes. "You don't understand." She said quietly, opening her eyes. "EVERY celebrity I've ever met....hurt me. Not just emotionally. They hit me....beat me. They helped my parents keep me secret. They were the reason I was by the river that day. Unconscious and badly beaten."
I walked towards her and knelt down beside Mikey. She turned her teary eyes towards me. "It's okay, Astrid." I said, quietly. "No one here is ever going to hurt you. Despite the scary looking Bob there..."
"Hey." Bob snapped. "Is it pick on Bob day?"
"Every day is pick on Bob day." Ray added.
Bob sighed. "Great." He said. "Tonight's going to be fun."
Astrid looked at Bob. "I don't think you look scary." She told him.
Bob smiled at her. "Thank you." He sighed. "I finally have a REAL friend."
Astrid bit her bottom lip, then looked back at me. "I guess it's okay if they stay."
I smiled. "Thanks."
"I said them, not you." She smirked.
I laughed.
"Rejected." Bob called out.


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