02 🎄

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What's up my ho-ho-hoes!
It's a bit late to put this here, but if you have any questions of this Y/N I'll do my best to answer all the questions!


Food time soon rolled around, it was quite early, but despite that, everybody was hungry...


(3rd POV)

"Hey everyone!! It's finally ready! Christmas Spaghetti!" Vanilla/classic!paps boasted proudly, accompanied by classic, "all the other spaghetti's are just 'impastas'!"
Groans were heard by all the papyri, not including Stretch.
Blue facepalmed and sat down across from you.
You had been seated between Geno and the edgy sans, who you learned has been given the fitting name, Red.
Papyrus sat down the three plates in front of you,
"Papyrus...it looks amazing...thank you..." Geno spoke softly, a saddened tone covered by a happy smile.

"Of course new brother!"
Hearing the classic papyrus say that made a pang of guilt go through what little of his soul he had left, he turned to see Red looking at him, while you ate the spaghetti as intended.
"Damn. Look at you. Looks like you've been to literal bell and back."
Underfell Sans oh so rudely pronounced, almost making you shine on your food as Geno pats your back.
You angrily lean to Fell sans and whisper, "you can't just say that!"
To your surprise, Geno replied in an airy tone.

"Ah...thanks for the reminder.'you're from underfell, right?"
"Yeah? And you're aftertale?"
Oh how you wished you had sat near Blue...this just seemed to be a bar fight waiting to happen...
"So, what the hell happened that glitched you out so bad?"
Geno stared off into space with a sarcastic tone, "wow. This is a conversation I'd rather not be having!"
You harshly elbowed Fell, "o-ow— why are you so strong—"
Fell grunted and went back to his usually strange banter.
"Hey, look...I'm just sayin' that whatever you did, must'a been for a damn good reason."
Before Fell could be anymore insensitive you butt in,
"What I think fell is trying to say, is that even if something doesn't work out as planned, you should be proud of the scars. It's proof you tried, and came back stronger."

Both turned to you with a blush...how can Skeletons blush? Don't ask.

"Proud huh...? Didn't...think of it that way...well...you guys wanna see my eye?"
"Woah really?! Hell yeah I wanna see it!"
"I'm warnin' ya...it's BAD..."
"Geno you don't have t-"
"Whatever just show us..."

Both you and Fell were completely unprepared as Geno swiped away the foggy glitch that covered his eye.
Where his other eye would be was a melted socket that had lacerations upon it, it was gushing blood and looked as if it was still fresh.

Both you and Fell leaned back in fear, both going a ghostly white.
Well, you went a ghostly white...Fell's eyes changed from his one red eye light to his two regular pinpricks...
You were leaning into Fell, who was holding onto your sides while he leaned back to Sci.
"Ah hahaha!!- man, don't look so chilled to the bone! Haha!!"
Fell tilted his head back slightly to a confused Sci, "huh??"
"Holy crap half his F'n skill is melting and he's still doing puns what a badass"
You just sat in shock, still staring in disbelief of what you just saw.

"Saansss..." Sci started, "you were in the kitchen? I've been looking everywhere for you!"
Classic sans turned to Sci, "sans classic here. 'Sup science me? You look unhappy."
Classic took the time to notice the faint shade of blue on Sci's zygomatic bones.
"Yeah...some spiked the eggnog and I didn't knowww...
AND SURE, we COULD discuss the logistics of how magic Skeltons become drunk...but is this REALLY the time?!...I HARDLY THINK SO..."
Classic turned to his younger self, sighing, "I bet it was underfell paps."

Christmas Party AU (undertale au's x reader)Where stories live. Discover now