chapter 1 men in white

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It all started long long ago when messengers were selected amongst the human race the few were equipped with the gifts of the celestial race; they saw the unthinkable and understood the realms of which humans were never called into via the words of YHWH,THE LORD OF HOSTS;which gave these men a barricade of angels for protection and an army of like minded humans for a supported wall.

It all started when they met a messenger that told them about salvation about Christ about faith hope love throught scripture;

Well let me start at the happened one day that the oldest member of the men was born an oversized bowling ball in weight he was the first one that led the other 2 men to the light of salvation to the forgiveness of sin and the hope of an eternity in heaven....when his parent had him as a child he constantly soiled his underwear like good babies do,but as he grew older he left the faith and sinned greatly;but one day he found a church with a messenger minister and became a Christian because the pastor said God forgave even the abominable sinner in scripture called Paul of Tarshish,that he could forgive sins of anyone while they were alive on earth,at the church he met another small man with a big heart for the gospel of Christ and this man was also a Christian,the church never despised a sinner that walked through their doos,so both these men involved in worship of the Creator;the Great I Am,invited a shy man who was not doing well spiritually.....he slowly came to church seeing the Holy Spirit of God working in the lives of these individuals, he suddenly made up his mind to venture through the doors of the church, through prayers froth the other two guys in white he found out the true meaning for the reason why they called themselves that;see the meaning why the men were called the men in white was because God is light and the must worship him is light and truth,he also found out that it was the true meaning of why people go to church and why the meaning of the Christian holy days ment;so he joined them in church he was a rebellion against everyone including friends parents siblings and against God before he became a Christian or joined the men in white;when he joined the men in white with the family in light he realized why he had dreams and visions and a near death experience when he was younger:it was God's mercy and love and forgiveness that God allowed him to live.So he joined the family in light years after he went to heaven and back,there at the church he met the men in white,who would impact the world around them via Jesus Christ Messiah.if I explain the family of light,they are saved sinners who became children of Adonai and enter heaven when they die,because Jesus Christ came to earth to save sinners via a cross and rose from death to destroy hell brimstone and fie and torment and then went to heaven to take with him all who follow his salvation movement or Christianity to evade the judgment condemnation to hell.let me explain judgment never needed to happen but it will because humans rather stay in sins demonic darkness and avoid not listening to God's warning via the scripture that's warned humans to avoid Hell at all costs.rather Christ came to save humanity and take them to a beautiful wonderful amazing eternity in heaven.God loves humans so much he became humans to die by human hands on a cross to save humans,an eternal form of love that sees through the body of the human which he saw the soul of every human and where they'd end up in eternity to help them escape condemnation during the judgment of sin and the fallen angels demons devils ect.

Well if I move on with my story, the family in white and the men in white and given legions of angels as protection and are labeled as chosen ones with God's mark of signat on their foreheads because of salvation,because of salvation freely they can approach Jesus Christ and ask for anything they want or need in an unseen by human eyes the spiritual battlegrounds on earth against the fallen Watchers Shapeshifters Sirens/mermaids  angels nymphiliams ect,see sinners work for the fallen angel seraphim Satan that corrupted humanity and caused them to sin against the community commandments of the words of God via scripture;let me explain is the spoken words of God and the book of life and death at the Judgment then came the tablets of stone and scrolls,right after came the torrah,after so many years went by humans translated the torrah from Greek and Hebrew language to Spanish language to English as the Bible hence the Bible or the word of God from the lips of God created the whole universe before Jesus Christ formerly and God supported and supplied humanity with the scripture,scripture is what sinners hate because their father lucifer or Satan hate and all sinners that becomes Christians are hated by the Devil and the dark order of sin.thats why Jesus Christ came to save humanity so that they can enter and enjoy heaven. GOD DIDNT WANT HUMANS TO BE TORTURED FOR ALL ETERNITY SO HE SENT JESUS CHRIST MESSIAH TO SAVE HUMANITY FROM SIN.

well moving on with the story,once the men became the men in white they chose one to turn back to sin city and they started their pilgrimage to the celestial city.

Part 2 Pilgrimage to the Celestial City.

Each men in white started up separately on their pilgrimage many people tried to turn them back to sin city but they denied the offer and warned the humanity that if they didn't change pending doom would soon follow, they were mocked by may for leaving but the men separately didn't turn back,not for one second did they miss sin city.each one bet up at the minister's doorstep and was given armor for their ruff trip ahead,let me tell you that following Christ Jesus might not be easy but it's worth it;it's worth Following God in the end.

After hearing the gospel they chose to walk through a doorway of light aka a cross was the key to the door when they let Jesus Christ enter their soul and baptism after to be a witness unto all sinners that they were cut off from earth social standards aka Holy and acceptable unto God which was their humble reasonable service as servants to the Great High King of Heaven and throughout all the earth by means of everything pleasant and happiness.As the marched forward they met great forces of the dark order from Hell,they were big giants of destruction with blasphemies processing from their mind and breath and blasphemies writen all over them; but the men in white read the scripture constantly and always remember that God can do the impossible and can be persuaded to change his mind only for the will of hid Greatest through constant prayers and fasting.they were given By the minister armor and a lamp to guide them throughout the darkness,let me explain that the Holy Spirit is the breath of God and Jesus Christ Messiah if the humanity of God and God is the great king of heaven and earth,these three make the trinity of God but yet are one with God;as the pilgrimage continued they were given the Holy Spirit of God and much desernment.several times they were attacked and several times they asked for forgiveness if they strayed from the Christian path to heaven and God always led them and forgave them as long as they quit sinning and the men in white made a vowels never to sin they proceeded forward in faith that God would fully fulfill his promises in them they led many to the understanding and knowledge of God scripture and salvation,the men in white fellowship education daily with the family of light and lucifer hated them so much but every tactic of battle that lucifer threw at them were destroyed and every hardship they got the men in white relied sold on God to send his angels to help them that even Satan feared them the the men in white joined forces against lucifer with the help of the family of light and with scripture and Christ Jesus they spiritually laid wast upon millions of fallen and rescued millions of humans through salvation unto Christ Jesus as a bride of God.

Part 3 The Death of the Pilgrimage.

Humanly it came the departure from this earth unto judgment for the 3 saints  in white;as millions were at the Judgment at the end of the age,and few entered into heaven each one came infront of the All Knowledgeable Fair Ancient Of Days,every deed they did spoke against the men in white;whet they could have done better,what they should have done and what they did wrong at times,it shown up like a big TV screen behind The Ancient Of Days,because everything The Ancient Of Days came to life; millions of people from all centuries,religions,race and ages heard what the men in white said secretly or said out loud or what they did in secret or public;everything was revealed infront of The Great I AM and infront of Christ Jesus and the angels;and the men in white lowered they heads in shame and sadness while kneeling before The Ancient Of Days; when their judgment separately was all said and finished,they felt the happiness slowly fill them and their tears were whipped away from their eyes,separately they reunited in heavenly places with loved ones and angels but the best thing of all was when they saw their Savior face to face and praised him for all eternity.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2022 ⏰

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