Chapter 42: Jungkook Actually Lowered His Head Shyly

It was because he had held up his hands that Lisa could vaguely glimpse the contour of his muscular chest. Following this, she could feel the pulsing pain on the side of her head turned cool from the cream. He was light with his touch, as if afraid of hurting her, much like a feather gently grazing her wound.

The burning pain was cooled down with the help of the cream and she felt much more comfortable.

However, she could not relax when his chest was almost touching her face. Suddenly, she felt the warmth of his breath on her, as it fell on her forehead, lightly blowing at her hair. It was almost unnoticeable but at that moment, she was so tightly wound that Lisa could consciously sense her hair being lightly blown.

She did not dare to raise her head and her eyes moved up instead, only to see his Adams apple from a sexy angle. His lower jaws were close to touching her hair.

Jungkook was not one to ignore the look of her eyes. He tried to hold his smile as he lowered his face into her hair and took the opportunity to take in deep breaths of her fragrant hair. He even shamelessly pressed in gently as his lips lightly kissed her hair.

Lisa only felt a little tickle but still did not dare to raise her head to see his doing. She had thought that his hands must have accidentally touched her hair and did not think much about it. The warmth of his breath, on the other hand, was quite hard to ignore. It became warmer and his burning breath had moved to her ears. Lisa could almost feel her ears smoking.

Her body could not help shaking and she was afraid of Jungkook realizing her oddity. It would be too embarrassing. She hurriedly held up her head in an attempt to create some distance between them, but her ears ended up brushing against something soft.

Lisas eyes widened, and she stopped breathing, her face was so red that it looked like it was about to explode.

Jungkook looked taken aback. He licked his lips, right in front of her eyes, and smacked his lips. Jungkook actually lowered his head shyly, Are you taking advantage of me?


Lisas face darkened as she pushed him away and ran into the kitchen.

Who was taking advantage of whom?

She was taking a few deep breaths to calm herself down when she felt someone pat her on the shoulder.

Lisa turned around immediately. She did not expect Jungkook to be standing so close, his body was almost touching her back. Her shoulders hit him on the chest, but Jungkook did not even flinch. Lisa, however, fell backward at the collision. She was about to fall flat on her butt when a long arm held her on the waist and brought her into his arms.

Why are you so careless? Jungkook held on to her waist, his lips almost touching her forehead.

The only thought in Lisas head was that bringing Jungkook back home was a mistake, IIm about to cookYouYou should be hungry by now, right?

Jungkooks dark eyes looked deeply into her. Lisa had the feeling that she was like a plate of food being served in front of him.

Yes, Im actually quite hungry, he said. His voice was hoarse as if he was saving his voice for a crucial moment.

Lisas heart started beating wildly as she pushed him away, Let go of me, I want to cook now.

Okay, Jungkook answered absent-mindedly but did not let go of her.

Chapter 43: Jungkook Gave a Perverted Look At The Door

Lisa frowned as her face burnt red and called out in a low voice, Jungkook!

The President is being shameless again /Liskook Adaptation/Where stories live. Discover now