pαrt 6

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"How are you feeling?" Colby asked, looking over towards me.

We were sat outside, where there were benches and we sat either end of one.

"I'm feeling better, still a little dizzy though." I gave him a smile. "We should go back to the others. Since I'm better."

Colby didn't say anything and just nodded. We both got up and went inside, something catching my eye. I stopped and turned to look and what I saw horrified me. The Shadow Man was back, this time he looked pissed.

He began to walk over to me, as Colby kept going, not noticing that I stopped. When he stepped closer, he reached his hand out and put it on my cheek, rubbing it up and down.

"Get off of me!" I whisper yell trying not to draw attention to myself. He looked down at me, he had a look of anger in his eyes.

"Don't speek to me like that. If you do it again, there will be consequences." He yelled, smirking at the end.

"I will speak to you how ever I want to. I am not scared of you. Just because you know I can see and speak to you scares you because I can tell everyone what your plans are." I talked a little louder, but still nobody could hear me.

"I am not scared of some person. Now, if you tell anyone about this, I will kill you." He dropped his voice, he was trying to intimidate me, but I need to tell the guys.

I just yanked my head back and started walking back to the room. I got dizzier the closer I got to the room, but I was more concerned on getting back to the others. When entering the room I saw Sam pacing.

"I should have been paying more attention and would have noticed that she wasn't with me anymore." Colby said, was he beating himself up about losing me?

I closed the door, making Sam look over, to see what it was.

"Oh my fucking God." He sighed, walking over towards me and embraced me in a tight hug. "We though something bad happened to you."

When he let go and stepped back, I saw The Shadow Man again. He was standing near the bed, with his finger to his lips, him and I were making eye contact.

"Sam. I saw him again. In the lobby." I kept eyes locked with his, and he started storming over towards me, reaching out. His hand make contact with my throat, squeezing it tight. I started gasping for air.

"Y/n? What is wrong, can't you breath?" Jake and the others walked over to us. Jake was holding the camera for Sam and Colby.

I shock my head, I grabbed The Shadow Man's hand. Everything started going dark. I reached out for Colby, then that is when it was all black.

I remember going limp and hitting the ground, but something caught my head, stopping it from hitting the ground.

"Y/N!" I heard everyone yell.

"Y/n, please breath." I heard a muffled voice that sounded like Colby's. When I realised that I was still barely conscious and The Shadow Man took his had off my throat. I took a shallow breath.

"Was that a breath?! Did she breath?" I heard Corey yell.

"Get her onto the bed." I heard Sam talk in a softer tone, indicating that he was talking to Colby.

I must have stopped breathing again because I heard Colby whisper then yell at what must have been Jake.

"Y/n please breath, please. Turn the camera off, y/n is more important that footage right now." He pleaded, picking me up and placing me gently on the bed. I used the rest of my energy to open my eyes, and when I did I saw Colby sitting on a chair next to the bed.

"C-Colby." I whispered and tried to put my hand on his cheek. When I felt his skin hit my hand everything went black again.

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