"Hm, yeah I'm sure. How was your date? Are you just getting back?"

"Yeah, I was actually coming to tell you all about it." I forced a smile still standing there wishing to escape this moment.

"I'm gonna head to bed, I have a big day tomorrow. You guys have a good night." Shuri announced, sliding herself past Riri and out the door.

"Was I interrupting something? I'm feeling some tension"

"I don't know. You tell me, nosey! You were the one with your ear pressed against the door."

"Hm, I don't think that's accurate" I chuckled throwing myself onto her bed. "Now close the door and explain to me why I was hearing my name."

"After you explained to me how your date went."

I rolled my eyes and smiled at the thought of my date with Andre. It was amazing.

"It was so great," I started "He was such a gentleman. He held the door open for me, pulled my chair out. Not your average fuckboy behavior"

She laughed. "That's sweet. So he didn't just want your goodies?"

"I don't think so, we actually talked about things and he was so interested in me and my life. He even asked me on a second date"

"Aw, I'm happy for you Hazel. That's so great." She flopped herself down on the bed beside me.

"Okay now your turn, why were y'all talking about me"

"Because I was right" She stated in an "I told you so" tone.


"Shuri being interested in you, duh"


"But don't worry. I told her you are off limits" She smiled like she was doing me a favor.

"Hm. Well thanks. I guess." I shrugged. "I guess I'm also gonna head to bed. I'm kind of tired." I stood up and headed towards the door

"Love you"

"Love you more"

I changed into some night clothes and hopped into bed, after throwing every piece of clothing on the floor of course. The thought of my date tonight flooded my brain as I started to drift to sleep. It soon switched to the thought of Shuri and her conversation with Riri.

A queen being interested in me?

I mean she is really beautiful.

Wait, no. I have something going with Andre.

But maybe...

Okay. Let's just go to sleep now.

•      •      •

It was Saturday night and the apartment has been quiet all day. I honestly think I'm the only person that's here.

Riri is probably off in her lab and Shuri is probably at some important meeting.

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