Author's Note

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All images throughout this story belong to their rightful owners, not me.

(Edit: This was supposed to be done before Christmas, but, of course, the holidays wouldn't let me finish it. So, for now, I'll just post this and the first chapter as a sort of preview. Christmas is only once a year, so I won't post the other chapters until next December. Sorry for those who really LOVE The Nutcracker and those who are Mouse King fans.)

Despite not being a fanfic for a specific Nutcracker, there will be references to certain versions. Some of you may be too young or never even heard of some of these versions. I grew up mostly with the Barbie in the Nutcracker and the Nutcracker: Motion Picture. The 1986 Motion Picture film is, what I believe, to be the "dark" version of the Nutcracker out of others.

As a kid, I've always been enchanted by dark fantasy films rather than scared of them; though I admit there were some scenes that gave me the heebie-jeebies. But I loved it.

Anyways! Another Nutcracker that'll be referenced is one I've only seen once as a kid called Notes Alive! Nutcracker: Untold Story. Don't know it? It's now on YouTube free to watch! Go check it out! This little film also relates to the Nutcracker: Motion Picture because of Maurice Sendek's designs used for the "paper" animation scenes.

For years, I could never remember this film's name until my brother found it for me. It was a tape we rented from the library versus the two versions mentioned earlier that I already owned. Wanna know how I could still remember this version? That eerie little chant the mice would say is what clung to me for YEARS as well as the "paper" animation and Maurice's designs from the Motion Picture.

As I'm writing this, I realize there won't be many references except for the Note's Alive! mice chant. Still, I thought I share this with those who have been fans of The Nutcracker, and specifically those who love the Mouse King. Yeah, I see you.

Enjoy! And Merry Christmas!

P.S. I'm not into Hello Kitty, however, I do think their version of the Mouse Queen is adorable and pretty.

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