" hell yea this some good tea da hell" i said and we both laughed.

" what you think I should do kem ?" i asked grabbing her hand and grabbing her attention.

" the heart wants what i wants boo. If you love kese you would go with him but If the heart wants to dibble and dabble with something new then Demetrius." She simply shrugged and i sighed nodding.

" i don't know keem it's just- " i paused being interrupted by somebody knocking at the front door.

" you invited somebody over ?" keema asked and i shook my head no confused as fuck.

I walked over to the door looking through the peek hole seeing someone with they back turned i couldn't see they face so i had no choice but to  opening it.

" um who are you ?" i asked making the girl turn around revealing India

" Hey Asia" she smiled small and I stood shocked as hell. I grabbed her arm pulling her inside the house. She still got some explaining to do but it was cold and raining outside. 

" i idea what the hell you doing here ?" i asked her confused as hell.

" I figured it was time for us to talk." she said aI nodded looking over and seeing Keema watching this all.

" Oh um- Imma be upstairs if y'all need me. Nice to meet you by the way I'm keema and your really pretty"  she held her hand out shaking India's hand before going upstairs.

"c'mon and sit down" i nodded towards the couch and we both sat down. She took off her jacket and  revealed and pregnant looking stomach.

" Oh shit , congrats" i said and she laughed thanking me. We sat in silence for a few seconds before i cleared my throat.

" i'm sorry asia" She mumbled rubbing her stomach.

" we were best friends, hell we was like sisters. That ain't no type of shit you hide from your sister. But i did it because I found it unnecessary and stupid to bring it up because it'll make me seem bitter of y'all relationship. When actually i'm not i'm happy for y'all." She explained and I nodded listening.

" what happened between me and kese was nothing , a literal one night stand."

" you were right for not telling me but i was wrong for overreacting and not listening to what happened." i said and she nodded. We sat for a few minutes before she grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug.

" I missed you girl."

" Happy Birthday Mommy's baby !!" I tickled journee in her sleep trying to wake her up.

" no !" she wined trying to go back to sleep and i kissed all over face.

" c'mon baby you gotta get up." I laughed shaking her out she turned over not facing me making me laugh. So I climbed over and laid in the bed with her. 

" You sure you wanna stay asleep ? Your going to miss your party" i said but she didn't budge.

" All your friends are gonna be there. Daddy and Metri are gonna be there. Titi and uncle ice too.....You get to eat cake." I said and she opened both of her eyes smirking making me laugh.

" c'mon lil girl" I laughed picking her up and carrying her to the bathroom helping her bathe , do her hair and out on her clothes.

" you look so pretty stink" I smiled kissing her chubby cheeks. We headed downstairs where everybody was here running around getting stuff ready for me. 

" Happy birthday toot butt" My sister kissed all over journee cheeks making her go crazy with laughter.

" wassup lil badass happy birthday" quan walked past with decorations kissing journee cheek.

" happy birthday hell raiser" Ice said smiling but his smile turned to a mug and the door opened causing me to turn around seeing Demetrius.

I've walked beside him looking him up and down before bumping his shoulder when he passed by.

" hey baby" I smiled making him return the favor before pulling me into a kiss.

" hey princess happy birthday" He grabbed joirnee from me and started tickling her. Once again the door opened up to a new somebody at the door.

" DaDa !!" Journee wiggled out of Demetrius hands and ran towards Kese.

" Hey bug , I missed you." He smiled kissing all over her and stopped mid kisses looking to the side at Demetrius looking him up and down shaking his head.

" wassup boo" he flashed his signature smile making me shake my head smirking. He leaned down kissing me on my cheek and down my neck.

" kese chill " I said pushing him back a little bit noticing that Demetrius was upset. He headed for the door made as hell.

" yea gon head and leave witcho narrow head ass." Ice said sitting on the couch. Demetrius reached the door before I could even catch him.
Once he opened the door it revealed India.

" Oh shit !" Kese said behind me.

" Wassup y'all" She came in waving.

" Man what da fuck ?!" I've stood up from the couch mugging her. With all the attention out of Demetrius and out on India. Demetrius saw this as a chance to leave.

" Why today out of all days ? "

- heyyyy y'all !

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