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I'm 21 years old.My Girlfriend's 19.Been dating for months now.

Things are going great.

This woman named Jo comes out of fucking nowhere into my life.

She's my new coworker at my company.

Find out she has no money and no place for residence.

Moved here for the job and can no longer afford her hotel.

I've been needing a roommate so I offer her my place.

She stays at my place. She's pretty cool.Gets along with my gf too.

My girlfriend is kind of the jealous type but Jo is obviously not my type.

(Literal 3/10) so that isn't really a problem.

We play the Vidya, drank beers, and watch football.

Just like hanging with a bro.This continues for months.

I propose to my gf and she says yes.Seems all is going well.

Talk to Jo and say I want to keep my place and ask her to maybe move out soon because I want my gf to move in.

She doesn't seem super happy about it but she says it's okay.

Jo finds a place but can't move in for a couple of months.

That's cool me and gf aren't in any rush.

Having an engagement party at what is still mine and Jo's place.

Standing around talking to gf, Jo, and a few friends.Jo out of nowhere goes.

"Oh yeah, anon probably feels weird living with me since we slept together."

What the fuck.

For the record, we didn't.

Gf goes crazy, she obviously doesn't know Jo is lying.

Before I can even say anything she screaming and crying.

Trying to talk to her but she's hysterical.

Gf runs out of the apartment.

About to ask Jo what the fuck she's talking about but she runs out too.

Ask everyone to leave.

Keep calling my gf but got no answer.

So pissed off and confused by this whole situation.

Throw out all Jo's shit because I'm so pissed off at her.

A couple of hours later Jo comes back to the apartment.

Now bros I'm not proud of what happens next.

I start shouting at her and absolutely lose it.

She just keeps making excuses and says she was joking etc.

I ended up punching her right in the face.

I never hit a woman before but this bitch had maybe ruined my life.

She falls down.

Looks back up at me and her eyes are swollen up huge like a bowl of cotton.

Break down because I just can't believe I just did that.

Jo gets up and just runs out of the apartment.

Jo jumps in her car and fucking hightails it out of there.

Haven't seen or heard from her since.

Since Jo disappeared cant prove to my gf what she said isn't true.

Gf says she can't trust me anymore.

Ends up calling off the engagement and breaking up with me.

On the phone a month later with my brother.

He finally ask why I'd been so depressed.

Tell him if it hadn't been for Cotton-Eye Jo.

I'd been married a long time ago.

Where did she come from, where did you go?

Where did you come from, Cotton-Eye Jo?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2022 ⏰

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