black harley

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Harley-"wake up!!!"

Pearl gently opened her eyes and gave her a bitch face

Jace-"harley that's not nice"

Harley popped her gum

Harley-"well I want her to eat my pussy care to watch cupcake"

Jace-"id love to bu-"

Harley-"take a seat papi"

She pushed him in the chair

Pearl-"im tired"

Harley-"ill put u to sleep after"

Pearl-"joker left"

She jumped out the window landing on her feet she raised her bat over her shoulder

Jace-"I have to go sweet heart"

Harley-"no back inside or ill buss the window"


He went back inside she followed

Harley-"why are the lights off"

She heard the car back out the driveway she dragged her bat upstairs to poison ivy

Pearl-"come on"

She crawled in bed with poison ivy and laid on her chest

Pearl-"taking a nap"



Skip time

Harley woke up Pearl was on her phone

She sat up

Pearl-"hello sunshine"

Harley-"is Joka back"


Harley got on ivy lap and kissed on her lips

Pearl-"good dream"

She nodded

Pearl-"about what"

Harley-"i fucked u into a coma"

She laughed a little

Pearl-"sounds fun"

Harley-"but we were in front of a man he was chocolate with dreads and a innocent yet evil smile"

Pearl-"he sounds exciting"

Harley-"something is telling me he's real"

Pearl-"wanna go find him"


She smiled they got ready Harley pickled her bat and they were on their way the went to a building that was known for fine buisness men


Pearl ran off Harley rolled her eyes and went in some people screamed ran and panicked

Harley-"I won't do damage unless u have the man I'm looking for"

Everyone got quiet they heard someone walking in Harley turned her head it was the man in her dream


He looked up and stopped in front of her looking her up and down and he licked his teeth

Harley-"u seem like a freaky guy"

He shrugged

??-"can be"

??2-"dude u don't know who that is

psycho freaky stuffWhere stories live. Discover now