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(Y/n POV)

I went to go buy some mochi for my dear First-years. As I walked inside the train I got myself seated comfortably.

Time passed by as I started at the window with a happy smile. I later got a text from Maki saying 'where r u?' I texted her back saying 'I'm still at the train' I replayed. 'Well hurry up!' Maki texted back.

I sighed then smiled. Its been 3 months. Soon the exchange event is coming up.

As I thought those happy memorys four guys shot my head, body, arm, and legs. The train stopped for a stop. Everyone in the train screamed I  panic from the Yakuzas.

As the yakuzas about to leave I was regenerated back to pieces. I gave them the Death Glare killing them instantly from the blood lost.

"If your here's to bother me, bother someone else." I said with venom in my voice. I walked off by stepping on their body's one by one.

~~~<( ̄︶ ̄)>~~~

"YN! YOU'RE BEELDING!" Nobara said. I laughed. "This is not my blood, silly!" I patted Nobaras back."don't worry about it!" I smiled. And walked away with blood on me.

My smile falters. Gojo walks past me but stops as I stop too."Yn. Be careful when your gonna cause choas, okay?" Gojo said. "K." I walked off.

I was now in my bedroom cleaning myself in the showers then changing into new clothes that I bought from the store with Nobara and Maki.

I checked the time.7:50 pm. Soon a knock was heard. I look at the door. "Yn-senpai, dinner is ready" Maki voice was heard. "Okay!" I said. I got up and opened the door walking next to Maki.

"Maki." "Hm?" "Do you ever smile when you meet people then it falters when you're not with them?" "Where's this coming from?" "I'm just wanna know that's all..." I said. Maki side glances me, smiling.

"Well... Sometimes I do that. When I was back in the Zenins clan estate it felt old and disgusting. I would always put those fake smiles and act like everything's okay but in reality I'm not and I sometimes need help." Maki said. I look at her. I patter her back."don't worry Maki. I got your back." I said.

Makis eyes couldn't help but to widen.  The second time she has ever been treated like this. Yuta now its YN.

"Don't go all hard, alright?" I turned around and smiled. She blushed abd smacked the back if my back. "Ow! What was that for?!" I said still hurt.

She walked away along with me catching up to her.


Days have pasted and it was kyoto exchange event. "Hey, their here." Maki said.

"Come here to greet us? Disgusting." Mai said with her sassy voice. "Where's okkostu?" Todou said.

"Shut up! Give us the kashiouri, yatsuuashi kuzukiri and sobabouro!" Nobara said."what? You hungry?" Todou said.

"She's scary..." Momo said.
"Forget okkostu, Y/n here, right? And two first-years and a special-grade devil is enough?" Mekamaru said.

"Age irrelevant to exorcist, especially fushiguro. Although hes from the zenin calm along with (???)"
Kamo said."HEY! DONT SAY THAT TO Y/N-SENPAI!" Maki said.

"I am not longer in contact with the zenin clan, kamo-senpai." Megumi said.

"Its better than the Sou clan." Kamo said. "Ehe..." Miwa said quietly. "Tch" "what?" "Nothing." Mai said.

Clapping can be heard from the back of the Kyoto students."alright, alright. Stop fighting. Now... Where's that idiot?" Utahime said.

"Satoru has not come yet." Panda said. "That idiot Is your referred as Gojo." Megumi said.

Utahime sighs in disappointment. I chuckled a bit.

"Sorry for the wait!!" Gojo said almost running over Megumi and Nobara with the cart. Gojo giggled. 'Scary...' I thought inside.

"Satoru!" Utahime growled his name.
"Satoru!" Miwa fangirled.

"Hey! Seems everyones here's and the Kyoto students are here too! Here have some souvenirs as a protection charm! None for you Utahime." "I DONT WANT ANY!" Utahime shouted.

"And for you dear Y/n! I got you some donut mochi!" Gojo said. My eys shined.

I snatched the mochi out of Gojos hand and ate the mochi happily.

I snatched the mochi out of Gojos hand and ate the mochi happily

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My eyes turned into red and oragen with white swirls. Everyone was kinda shock how I react to donut mochi.

"Okay folks!" Gojo said. "Over excited adults are scary..." Nobara said. The black box was opened showing a smiler look of itadori which who is standing in front of me.

Heh- I look away still eating my mochi donuts while looking at the first-year group with a weird face on their face. I giggled and continue eating.

"Yeah, PAPI!" Yuji came out of the box. (An:gay😏)

I walked around  in a circle of happiness."Sukunas host!? And the Darkness Devil!?" An old ass man said.

I look over to the voice and glared dagger at him. I swollowed the last piece I had in my mouth.

"Shut up." I said. The Kyoto students and the Tokyo students looked at me even the teachers.

 The Kyoto students and the Tokyo students looked at me even the teachers

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"Your even more lucky I can't kill you, if I wanted to." I said, spitting venom into my words. I quickly put my happy face on to Yuji.

"Ah! Yuji! Your back!" I said running into him and hugging him."I missed you so much!!" I said hugging him so tightly.

Gojo chuckled."hey~ I'm glad your alive still, I was getting worried that you'll die." Gojo said teasing the hell out of the principal.

Principal gakugan hated me and satoru because of our acts but mostly satoru. He sometimes respects me because of my power but mostly about the darkness devil I am.

I do love to threaten him and the higher up when I needed my break or something to punch, but not satoru.

"Ah... Sorry..." Yuji said.



(An: this chapter is the one I left for a few days and went back on this because I have testes on Wednesdays like... Lots before the break! So I'll be busy on Wednesday! I hope you guys do well in your winter breaks! Bye bye!


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