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After getting a call from Henry about 2 hours after you left Freddy's, saying you got the job, you began to think about a plan for the investigation. You were in, you just need to find your suspect, and find the children. But before you could do any of that, you have to get through the work days

First day of your new job was already a bore. Nobody spared time from their work to show you what to do or where to go. You tried getting the attention of Isa, but she was busy helping the kids reach their high-up prizes they won. So, you were alone without guidance.

You tried looking for Henry but he wasn't anywhere to be seen. You guessed he was in his office. You don't want to bother him anyway.

A kid ran into you, making you stumble back. You look down to the kid, seeing black hair divided into pigtails. "Watch it!" They said, before running after their friends. Does anyone in this town know their manners?

Across the restaurant, you spot Henry and the man that bumped into you earlier, talking. They seem to be staring directly, watching you suffer. Well, suffer is a bit harsh.

You turn away from their looking eyes, not wanting to make direct eye contact. Even though you look away, you can still feel their eyes on you. So, you turn back to them.

The man from yesterday runs a hand through his hair before making his way through the crowd in your direction.Before he could get to you, there's a tap on your shoulder. "Hey, (Y/N)! I'm free to show you around now, if you need."

Appreciating Isa's offer, you smile and nod. "That would be great-"

"I'll be watching over the new employee, Ms. Rivera. Oh! I think there's a kid over there that needs assisting!" The man says, pointing over to the prize counter.

Isa scans over the area, seeing no kid near the counter. "I don't think so, Mr. Afton."

"There is," Mr. Afton Said sternly. You see Isa shrink, getting the hint. "Now, get to doing the job I pay you for."

"Right away, sir!" She hurries back to the prize counter, clearly intimidated by Mr. Afton.

You turn around to look at Mr. Afton. You notice how tall he is up close. "Mx. (L/N), it's a pleasure to meet you." He puts his hand out for you to shake, which you do. "I'm William Afton, co-owner of this establishment. Henry has told you what position you'll be taking, hasn't he?"

You think back to the interview, not recalling any mention of one. "Not that I know of, Mr. Afton."

"William is fine, love. You'll be working the prize counter with Ms. Rivera over there. I assume you two have already met." William almost rolls his eyes at the mention of Isa. "Did you get a tour yet?"


"Well, let's start then, shall we?"


The tour went well. William showed you the building and how to do your job. He also showed you your other coworkers, which you can only describe as... interesting. There's not much else you can say about them all.

But for furthering your investigation, you couldn't place any suspicion surface level of these people. Beside the security guard, Frank, having a fake gun, nothing was wrong. Who the hell allowed him to have a fake gun in a children's entertainment restaurant?

"Thank you for the tour, William. It's greatly appreciated," you say to your new boss. You notice how different Henry and William are. You wonder how they became friends.

Distracting you and William from the conversation, cries and shouts come from a child in the direction of the prize counter. A little boy held prize tickets in his hand, while he fell to the ground in tears.

William rushes over there, huffing about the loud noises. You follow him, unsure what else to do. Isa leans over the counter trying to calm the boy down, trying not to cause more of a disturbance than there already is. But William gets there before the sobbing stops. He glares at Isa, silently scolding her for making a scene.He kneels down to get to the kids level. "Hey, little man, what's wrong?"

Hearing William use a sickly sweet voice to talk to the kid was a change from the voice he uses for everyone else. But you couldn't deny that he knew how to get the kids attention.

"I-I w-want the- the Freddy!" The kid continued to cry, choking through the sobs to get words out. William stands up and rips the Freddy plush off the shelf.

"Then take it and leave." He takes the tickets from the kids hands, replacing them with the plush. The kid smiles at him, which you could swear made William frown more. The kid skips away, heading to the arcade.

You aren't excited to be working here, that's for sure.


Okay see y'all next chapter 🥺🥺

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2022 ⏰

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