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Lauren's POV

"Nolan! We're gonna be late!" I yelled for my son who was going crazy trying to find his dinosaur toy that Luke got for him.

"What's he looking for?" Austin asked.

"His dinosaur toy. It's his favorite," I replied. He nodded towards the table to our left and there it was.

"Nolan! I found it!" Austin shouted. We're definitely gonna get a noise complaint.

My son came running in like a wrecking ball and took the dinosaur from Austin's hands. As I pressed the elevator button and it opened, he ran in. Before we went down, I mouthed a thank you to Austin. We were on our way to meet up with his daddy, who's going to take him for the day. I don't know how I feel about Luke taking Nolan for that long. He's only ever gotten to see our son for a few hours.

"Are you excited to finally see your dad? It's been a long time," I inquired from my four year old. I looked through the mirror and he shrugged.

"I missed daddy but he never comes to see me," Nolan responded sadly. I felt bad for him because Luke is always touring or promoting his band.

"He's here now. That's all that matters, isn't it?" I wondered. He nodded slightly and I sighed. This is definitely something that I needed to speak to his father about.

I pulled into a breakfast joint where we were supposed to meet Luke. I grabbed a booth for us and ordered right away. Luke wasn't here yet but he can order when he does, I'm starving. Nolan was making sound effects while playing with the dinosaur and the things on the table. Sometimes I wish I could go back to his age, everything was easier that way.

It's been 45 minutes since we got here and Luke still hasn't shown up yet. It angered and frustrated me because he promised. He promised that he was gonna visit Nolan because he missed his father a lot. I should've known that this was bound to happen. I got a text and wow, speak of the devil.

Luke: I'm so sorry, I lost track of time. I'm rehearsing with the band so I won't be able to make it. Maybe I can try later in the day?

Lauren: Don't. You've let him down yet again, you never fail to do that. You can forget about seeing him today.

Luke: You can't do that! I have a right to see my son.

Lauren: I'm not even sure if your son wants to see you! You promised him and guess what? YOU'RE. NOT. HERE.

Luke: You don't know how bad I feel. Please! I want to see Nolan.

Lauren: Fine. I'll ask, but if he says no, don't even bother.

"Nolan, sweetie, your dad can't make it. Do you think you'd want to see him later?" I informed him. He stopped playing and looked up at me with the saddest expression I've ever seen. It broke my heart.

"Daddy's not coming?" He reiterated. I nodded and the tears rolled down his cheeks. I got out of my side of the booth and slid into his. I wiped his cheeks and held him in my arms.

"You don't want to see him anymore, do you?" I questioned. I felt him shake his head and I took him back to the car. Before driving off, I had to text Luke back.

Lauren: Great job, dickhead. You made him cry and he definitely doesn't want to see you anymore. Get your priorities straight and then come back to see him. I'm done.

Luke: It's not like I did this on purpose. I'll come over later.

Lauren: I didn't even invite you. Did you not read the words that I sent you? He doesn't. Want to. See you.

Since Day One (Zauren/Lukeren)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें