Ch. 8: USJ

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Recap: Previously Class 1-A had their battle test and got to wear their costumes for the first time and also get a scope of each other's abilities. Subaru, Izuku, and Misora showed their class the capabilities they have when they perform Denpa Henkan. They gained experience and feedback on what they could do better and what to fix. Now on with the story.

Currently our group was stopping the front gate when they saw a crowd of people swarming the gate for reason they did not know.

Subaru: God are those reporters?!

Izuku: Seems likes it.

Misora: Jeez. What's with them?

While they were talking a reporter saw them and called out to them.

Reporter: Hey you three!!!

The three of them look over to them.

Reporter: We were hoping if you can answer a few question!!

The three of them raised their eyebrows at them. They knew how invasive the media can be to get an answer.

Subaru: On what exactly?

Reporter: How is All Might as a teacher?!

The three of them were surprised by the outburst but decided to answer by walking away.

Reporter: Huh? Huh?! Hey where are you going?! You haven't answer my question!!

Misora: As they say in the states..."I don't gotta say nothing."

Reporter: Wait!! You can't just walk away get back here!!

The reporter was foolish enough to step into UA grounds which then triggered the alarm system.

The reporter was foolish enough to step into UA grounds which then triggered the alarm system

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Reporter: What the-?!

Reporter 2: They locked us out?!

Reporter 3: Well what did you expect. You were trespassing on private property.

Reporter: But they never answer my question!!!

Reporter 3: They never said they were going to answer.

With that whole ordeal dealt with the reporters left to see if they could still get a good story somewhere else.

With 1-A

Currently the class everyone was talking about the crowd of reporters at the front gate.

Jiro: Jeez don't those reporters have anything better to do with their life other than hound people for information.

Kaminari: I don't know I kinda like the attention.

Kirishima: Yeah and the way they were so dedicated was manly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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