A Dream Fulfilled

Start from the beginning

We pause awkwardly.  For the first time since she showed up at the cabin, my nerves have been struck.  Her beauty and the intimacy of this moment leave me without words.  I am afraid to breathe, afraid this dream sill vanish and I will feel the warmth of my heart leap out of my body,  She owns it and It goes where she goes. I am anxious to break this feeling and bring us back to the place that we were just a few moments ago.

"I made coffee." That is all that I can think of.  She is here, looking at me with love in her eyes and this is all that I can think of.  Where has my brain gone? I know, right in the bliss of being with her.  

"Oh, those are the words I wanted to hear."  She is rescuing me.  She is finding a way to solve this uncomfortable silence, the first that we have had. She is incredible.

"What?" I ask incredulously as she wiggles out of my arms, heading straight to the coffee pot.

"I compliment you and tell you how lucky I am and you only want to hear about coffee?" I feign offense.

"What can I say? I have priorities." She winks.

"Enjoy," I speak over my shoulder as I head to the bathroom. I need a shower too. A cold one. "I left something for you on the counter. I will be out soon."

I get ready quickly. I am excited about the plans I have made tonight. It is the end of a long process and it has been a long wait to get to be with her. I hope she will be pleased.

She has drained the pot of coffee by the time I exit the bathroom. How does she drink so much coffee? I am starting to wonder if she has some medical needs.

 I notice that the note is missing, but I will wait for her to bring it up.

"Shall we go?" I ask, holding out a hand to her.

She takes my hand and asks, "Are you going to tell me where we are going yet?"

"No." I say firmly, "We have a bit of a drive. I wondered if I might continue the story of my escape, or my salvation, depending on you might look at it."

"I would love that, and it would be just as much my salvation as it was yours." I kiss her forehead.

Inside the doorway, I see her leather jacket. I hold it out for her and she slides her arms in. The jacket fits her personality, as though she is in armor, keeping part of her safe from the outside world. She wants people to see her as a tough girl, one not to be messed with. She is that, but underneath there is a heart that is afraid of being broken. When you combine this tough outer shell with the softness and grace of the green dress and the warmth of her smile, she is breathtaking.  She looks...well...I can't stop looking.

We walk out the door and I frown. "I didn't think about the rain and those shoes." I point at her black stilettos, "...though I think you must wear them on a regular basis." I grin lasciviously. "Do you trust me?"


With that, I swoop her up in my arms and carry her to the car. Her breath is hot on my ear as I walk, almost making me lose my balance. I open the door and make sure she is settled in. I can feel her eyes on me as I walk around the car. I love it. I can't belive the way that it makes me feel to be watched by her.I am in awe of the love that has started and anxious to see where it goes.

"You look very dapper." She said as I sat in the car. "You smell good too, like smkae and cedar and...oranges?"

" I checked the fire and I shared your shampoo." I respond.

"well, whatever it is, it works." She said and I blush.  Simple things, Simle complements and observations mean the world to someone who has been in isolation for so long, especially to someone who had no place to lay his heart for long before that.

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