the beginning.

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third person pov.

"I-It's fine Wednesday! I'm fine!" She yelled in a nervous tone. She didn't even mean to scream and the guilt immediately rushed to her, she then noticed something. The girl was blushing. 'I am not blushing because of Wednesday right now. No way.' The colorful girl thought to herself.

The realization then hit Wednesday, they were inches away from each other's faces. "I'm sorry Enid." She'd move her head away from the werewolf and they'd continue walking down the hall.

They'd exit Nevermore and go to the local plaza. First, they entered a furniture shop.

Enid immediately ran to the area with all the colored items while Wednesday calmly walked over to the darker-colored side.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEE! LOOK AT THESE STUFFIES!" Enid would squeal and kick her feet. She'd giggle while picking up the pink cat plush. 

Wednesday would smile at her colorful friend. She'd shake her head as a dark red tint entered her face. 'I am not smiling because of Enid right now. What is this stupid feeling?' She thought to herself, obviously frustrated. 

"WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY!" Her voice was ear-piercing. The werewolf was running full speed towards Wednesday. "Watch out for that-" Enid fell and hit her knee really bad, it was bleeding and for sure was going to leave a severe bruise.

"ENID! Are you okay?" Wednesday sat down next to the colorful girl and looked her in the eyes. This was the first time Enid saw Wednesday genuinely worried about someone, and it was her. Out of everyone. The thought made Enid blush she then noticed her leg and started crying. 

Wednesday would pick the girl up. Wednesday was stronger than Enid thought and the cold girl would carry her all the way back to the dorm. As she walked inside their dorm, she'd set her down on Wednesday's bed.

"Stay." Wednesday demanded. Enid blushed at the sudden dominance. She followed her order and stayed sitting on the bed.

Wednesday would come back with bandages, alcoholic wipes, and an ice pack. She'd softly pat the wound with the wipes. 

Enid would suck her teeth and tears would start to form. "Mmf." She groaned in discomfort as her tears started to grow bigger, she finally blinked and several tears would fall.

"I know, I know." Wednesday would say as she wiped Enid's tears. "It's gonna be alright, I promise." The thought to be cold girl was acting so.. caring and comforting.

Wednesday would sit next to her on the bed as she applied the bandage. "Is that too tight?" Wednesday asked. Enid nodded no and the girl would seal the bandage up.

Enid would lean on Wednesday's shoulder, a red tint forming on both of the girl's faces, Wednesday let her stay like that as she held the icepack on Enid's knee.

"Are you okay?" Wednesday asked while staring into enid's eyes with passion. The colorful girl would blush. "Yes, I'm okay, thanks to you." She smiled at Wednesday brightly.

Wednesday would blush as she got up to go type. "Wait-" Wednesday would feel a tug on her arm. "Stay?" She looked up at Wednesday with glittering eyes. "Just for tonight? Please?" Enid asked hopelessly.

"Okay, fine." The cold girl was happy she got asked to stay, then again irritated by this feeling she had in her stomach and knees, she felt like her knees were about to give out and she had butterflies in her stomach. 

Wednesday would be reading and then looked over at Enid. "Okay, I think we should go to-" The girl was sound asleep.

Enid would fall on the goth's lap, completely knocked out. Wednesday would get that feeling again. 'FUCK. What is this? I'm gonna go crazy!' She thought to herself.

Wednesday felt tired and decided to get ready for bed. She carefully got up, trying to not wake up Enid. 

'Huh.. her shoes are still on.' Wednesday thought to herself. She gently removed Enid's shoes, not wanting to wake her up. She saw Enid was shivering in her sleep, Wednesday decided to grab a hoodie from her closet.

She carefully slipped the black hoodie onto Enid. 'There. Now she won't be cold.' She thought to herself.

She went to get changed. She grabbed a pair of shorts and a hoodie and threw them on. She exited the bathroom after getting changed, switched off the light, and sat in bed.

As she shut her eyes, she hears whimpering and feels movement. She looks at Enid and sees her kicking and whimpering in her sleep. 'She must be having a bad dream.. I can't believe I'm about to do this..'

Wednesday grabbed Enid gently and set her to lie on her chest. She could hear Enid stop whimpering and her breathing slowed. Enid would put her arms around Wednesday while digging her face into her chest. 

Wednesday would go a dark shade of red and pull a blanket over the two of them. She'd put her arm around Enid and run her fingers through her hair.

Wednesday would deeply inhale the werewolf's scent. 'Her scent is so comforting.' She thought to herself as her heartbeat would rise and her need for this kind of love would finally form. She was addicted but couldn't admit it. 

She would caress Enid's cheek and play with her hair, staring at this perfect girl. 

"I love you, Enid Sinclair." She whispered before drifting off with the girl in her arms.

.word count.

this is what love feels like. {a wenclair fanfiction.}Where stories live. Discover now