Part 2

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Shi Quingxuan pov

His expression is complicated, and hard to read. He nods before trailing after me, "Yea, from quite a while ago."

I hum in response, figuring they must have been friends in middle school before we moved. When Im at the table I stand next to Xie Lian, using his head as an armrest, he chuckles as Hua Cheng sends me one of his now famous death glares. "There at it again."

"When are they not." Xie Lian sighs, most likely exhausted from the pairs constand bickering.

"Bet they weren't when they were in the bathroom of that restaurant making out." i mumble not so quietly, getting a soft chuckle out of Xie lian as Feng Xin slams his palms down on the table, he almost knocks down his chair with the way he shoots up.

"I TOLD YOU THAT NOT WHAT WE WERE DOING!" He rages, Mu Qing also stops throwing insults to shoot me a glare.

[heh, sure, that would explain why both of you are blushing.]

"The both of you were gone for a good 20 minutes." I smirk. "What else could have taken you so long?"

"That cause this idiot is lactose intolerant and just had to order dairy.." Mu Qing retorts, taking a sip from his drink.

"THE FUCK?" Feng Xin turns to him, somehow managing to look ever more pissed, "WHY ARE YOU SPOUTING NONSENSE?! NO IM NO-"

He stops shouting mid sentence when Mu Qings hand slaps the back of his head, I laugh unable to tell if his face is red from anger or embarrassment, "Moron, stop talking."


"Oh common, use that small brain of yours, who do you think?" Mu Qing sets his drink back down on the table, "And stop shouting and sit back down, just looking at you gives me enough of a headache as it is."

"WHY YOU LITTLE! IF YOU REALLY HATE SEEING MY FACE SO MUCH WHY DONT YOU GO AND SWEEP THE FLOOR? YOU WOULDN'T HAVE TO LOOK AT ME THEN!" His sweeping comment seems to have pushed Mu Qing over the edge, he stands up and slaps his hand across Fen Xins face.

"FUCKING ASSHOLE!" Feng Xin grabs Mu Qings collar, they both look as though there about to start full out brawling any minute.

"Alright. Alright. Enough you two," Xie Lian intervenes, "Or would you rather recite the Ethics Sutra a thousand time?" The two stop like a deer in headlights, sharing one last glare before Mu Qing huffs and pettily turns his head away from Feng Xin, sitting back down. Feng Xins still clearly holding back his urge to spit out more insults, but reluctantly sits down when he sees Xie Lian staring at him.

"When will they realize theres literally nothing forcing them to do that..." I shake my head, awed by their stupidity. Xie Lian has used the same threat against them since we were kids, and it still surprises me how the words always get them to shut up and stop. I can only remember one time when they continue to argue, so Xie actually went through with it. Guess its must have scarred them.

"So the girls finally stop yelling." Hua Cheng states sarcastically. He has his arm propped up on the table, resting his head in his hand looking rather bored, from where im standing I can see how his other hand is sitting on Xie Lians leg under the table as the two hold hands.

"Well," I hang my bag on the empty chair next to Xie lian, "I'm gonna go order something to eat, He Xuan wanna come with?" I turn my head to him to see him and Hua Cheng exchanging a look.

Hua Cheng nods his head in my direction, gesturing He Xuan to go with me. "Get me a soda." I watch He Xuan glare at the ground as he makes his way over to me, before rolling his eyes and giving an unenthusiastic thumbs up to the man behind him. He stops for a second before waking past me, as if signaling for me to follow.

I make sure where out of earshot before taking and step closer to He Xuan and lowering my voice, "Not to pry into you life or anything, but if he's bullying you, you can tell me. Im sure if you talked to Xie about it he'd be able to get him to stop."

That gets me a chuckle from the taller man, "Its nothing like that. Lets just say I owe Cheng a bit of debt, thats all."

My brows furrow, "what kind of debt? Money?"

He sighs, "nothing for you to concern yourself with."

"Oh" I realize Im doing exactly what I said I didn't want to, which is pry into his personal life, "sorry, that was rude."

"Dont worry about it." He says simply, joining onto the lunch line. I stand to his side, grabbing a tray and handing it to him.

"So, you know Xie?"

"I know of him from Cheng." He seems even less talkative than before, now focusing his attention on picking from the choices of food in front of him. I chuckle at how serious his expression has become.

"Such a big decision, right." I go straight for the steamed buns, deciding to take an extra for Xie.

He xuan seems to notice his expression and clears his throat, "try not to take more than you'll eat."

"Your one to talk." I retort, looking at how he's filled his plate. He 'hmps' then returns his attention back to the food. I roll my eyes. Before we get off the line, he grabs a soda for Hua Cheng, and after swiping our IDs we walk back to the table.

I sit down by my bag as He Xuan walks over to take a seat across from Hua Cheng, I swear he's not even say down for a moment before digging into his food; its as if he's not even stoping to breath between bites.

I look around the table, digging into my own food with a small smile. I cant help but feel a bit nostalgic that me, Xie lian, Fen Xing, and Mu qing all back together, eating at the same lunch table like middle school. I sigh, all though Ive gotten used to listening to Fen Xing and Mu Qing bicker like an old married couple, now that Hua Cheng taking up most of Xie's attention, I feel like a third wheel. When I look back to He Xuan, I notice he's almost consumed most of the food on his plate; clearly unfazed by the group around him.

Realizing there no one to really spark a conversation with, I finish my food quietly before crossing my arms over the table and resting my head in them; letting my eyes slowly close.

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