Part 1

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Shi Quingxuan POV

"XIE!!" I sprint across the grass, my shoes getting wet with the morning dew, to crash into my friend, a huge smile spread across my face. My family moved away the year before I started start if high school, so the two of us really only get to meet up over breaks or weekends, and mostly stay in touch by talking on the phone. But now, Its like were in middle school again. A bubbly feeling erupts inside me at the fact that I wont have to wait till the weekend anymore to see him. Now, we can hangout whenever we want.

Xie Lian stumbles back a bit, I might have knocked him over if it weren't for a man in red placing his hand on his back. The man glares at me while steadying Xie Lian. Xie Lian just laughs, wrapping his arms around my back and giving me a tight squeeze, "Shi!! I didn't know you were studying at this university!!"

"Hehe, surprise!" Ive decided to ignore the man standing behind my friend, but its kind if difficult with how he's glaring at me.

"Gege, and this is?" His voice sounds a mix of bored and annoyed as his arm, not to subtlety, snakes its way around Xie Lians waist.

"San Lang this is Shi Quingxuan, a friend since middle school." He explains whilst crossing his arm across his chest to intertwine his finger with the hand around his waist. I look at there hands, then Xie Lians face and smirk. "Shi this is Hua Cheng."

"Hmm. So this is the famous Hua Cheng." I say matter of factly, looking him up and down, "I finally get to meet the guy you've been talking about so much" He averts my eyes, a red blush creeping across his face.

Hua Cheng chuckles, leaning his head into Xie Lians hair, "Gege talks about me?"

The red on Xie Lians face deepens he fiddles with Hua Cheng's hand. "You should've seen him. Every time he'd call, the conversation always turned back to you. You could practically hear the giddy smile in his voice whenever he said mentioned you." I think back to all the late nights I would spend on the phone listening to the hopelessly in love Xie rant about this man; he always seemed so nervous that he wouldn't like him back, even though the way he described how Hua Cheng would act around him made it painfully obvious he did.

"Soo," I nudge my elbow into his shoulder, "you guys make it official or what?"

Xie Lian nods, I laugh watching him clearly trying and failing to bite back his smile.

"I swear, if you do anything to hurt him or break his heart Hua Cheng," I half-kid in a stern, father like tone. Xie Lian face palms his hand as Hua Cheng gives me an eye roll, "I will, uh, I don't know what Ill do, but take it as a threat."

Hua Cheng plants a kiss on the top of Xie Lians head and gives me another glare, pulling the smaller man closer to his side, "I would rather die before I let anything hurt my gege." There is a fierce passion in his eyes, Im taken aback for a moment then smile at how genuine his voice is.

[how did Xie ever doubted if this man liked him is a mystery to me]

"Welp, I wouldn't want to intrude to much on you love birds," I start walking past them further into the campus towards my building, Xie Lians face is almost as red as Hua Chengs jacket, "see you guys at lunch!"


[this is so repetitive]

We've spent the last three periods doing nothing but listening to the professor go over what to expect this semester and how to be prepared for class; and what's worse, I almost dozed off last period.

[first day of the semester and I'm already falling asleep. We haven't even started doing anything yet!]

"Watch yourself." Im in the middle of mentally scolding myself when a sharp voice breaks me from my thought.

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