Hinata Shoyou

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Kinks & Fetishes [5]

Hinata Shouyou: Nothing really, he loves all girl who they are and what they are.

Hinata was Short. (Name) was so tall.

Hinata is a Volleyball player. (Name) is a tennis player.

Hinata is a guy, of course. (Name) is a girl, of course.

Hinata was different from (Name). (Name) was different from Hinata.

This two persons are very different, so different and they have their own worlds in this large planet but there is one thing that they are similar at... They like each other but none of them knows.

"(Name)-chan! Your practice game was amazing! It's like BOOM and a POW! When you hit the ball it was like a bomb that goes BUWAAAHH!!"

(Name) giggled and said, "Thanks Hinata-kun, I guess."

"Your game was so amazing it's like you were so unstoppable!!"

"Thanks for coming and watch my practice match Hinata-kun."

"Hehehe! We're friends so it's right that I watch your games like you do even though it's a practice match."

"Hey speaking of your games. Isn't Inter High for volleyball is opening in the next week?"


"Well you better train Hinata-kun! You must defeat all teams and go to the nationals!"



(Name) and Hinata were friends since 2nd year in middle school and they kinda have a same personality, well a little but they treat each others as brothers and sisters, friends, a back to lean on."

"Hinata-kun supported me." she blushed. (Name) was packing her stuff she couldn't help but blush because the small little orange haired dude supported her.

"Oi! Hinata why do you look so happy?" Kageyama asked.

"Eh? Because you know... that.... it's such a lovely day... and hey I supported her... and wow amazing.... and..."

"I don't get it"

"I supported (Name) and she was so happy because I came to watch her practice match!"

"So are you like, let's just say have a liking on her?"


'He answered my question freely!' Kageyama thought. "But isn't she a little too tall for you? She's almost at my height you know?"

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