Kageyama Tobio

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Kinks & Fetishes [3]

Kageyama Tobio: Girls with long hair, it turns him on.

Every day by day Kageyama can see girls with long hair and it always turn him on but still he was not satisfied. He loves seeing girls tying there long hairs into bun or ponytails but his most favorite is that girls with long silky, soft, and smooth hair.

Kageyama can't help to stare at the backs of girls with long hair. Kageyama can't help it anymore he felt that he could be a maniac to the girls. He felt that he could be a monster, which he was already. He felt that if he ever confess to a girl with long hair he might get rejected. Kageyama was known for King of the Court but he was never a King for girls so sometimes it was a great big depression.

Kageyama was walking to school until he heard someone running and it was the little orange head guy, Hinata. Hinata was running.

"OOOOOOOO!" Hinata runs so fast that he runs past to Kageyama.

"That bastard! OIIII!" Kageyama runs after him and Kageyama catches up to Hinata. And once again the duo races all the way to school until a girl walks passes them. Hinata dodges her but Kageyama didn't. He accidentally clashes into her. And so the two of them fell into the ground

"Ack!" Kageyama said as he bump into the girl. "Hey watch where you go... ing..." Kageyama was stunned as he saw the girl. The girl was beautiful but not just beautiful. She has long (H/C) and her scrunchie was slightly falling of her hair and it did and it revealed her long beautiful hair.

"O-ow... I-I'm so sorry! Are you hurt? Did you get any bruises?" The girl asked.

Kageyama was speechless because the kind of girl that she ever like was just right in fornt of him. But until now  Kageyama couldn't say anything he was still frozen as he saw such a lovely girl with long (H/C) hair.

"Hi~!" Hinata said and he had a light color of blush in his cheeks. "So sorry about him he's a little surprise."

"Oi! Hinata!" Kageyama said as he looked up into Hinata.

"Are you sure you're okay? Look you have a small bruise on your cheek." The girl was so close at Kageyama's face so he quickly back away. "Huh?"

"Hi, I'm Hinata Shouyou! Nice meeting you!"

"I'm (Last/N) (Name). Nice meeting you as well and I'm also a transferee student."

"I knew it you were a transferee! I heard from the other classes that they will have a new student. Oh yeah by the way that scary looking guy over there is Kageyama Tobio, the King of the Court!"

"Oi! I told you don't call me that!" Kageyama said as he stood up. And Hinata helps (Name) up.

"Nice meeting you Shouyou-kun, Tobio-kun. I hope we get a long well."

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